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The SMath class contains common math functions, see also [[Scripting/SVector]] and [[Scripting/SQuaternion]] for Vector and Quaternion related math functions.
=Static Public Member Functions=
==Static Member==
{{ScriptFunction|float|Pi|;|Returns the constant value of &#928; (readonly).|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Pi''');<br>''-- prints 3.14159274101257''
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Random|();|Returns a random value from 0 to 1 (inclusive)|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Random|();|Returns a random float between 0 and 1 (inclusive)|5 = local randomNumber = '''Space.Math.Random()''';<br>Space.Log(randomNumber);<br>-- prints 0.689094245433807}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|RandomRange|(float min, float max);|Returns a value between min and max, inclusive, randomly.|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|RandomRange|(float min, float max);|Returns a random float between min and max (inclusive)|5=local min = 100.0;<br>local max = 500.0;<br>local randomNumber = '''Space.Math.RandomRange'''(min, max );
<br>Space.Log(randomNumber);<br>-- prints 0206.659149169922}}
{{ScriptFunction|static int|RandomInteger|(int min, int max);|Returns a value between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive).|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|RandomInteger|(int min, int max);|Returns a random float between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)|5=local min = 50;<br>local max = 75;<br>local randomInteger = '''Space.Math.RandomInteger'''(min, max);<br>Space.Log(randomInteger);<br>-- prints  52}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Abs|(float v);|Returns the absolute number (i.e. always positive) of the input value.|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Abs|(float val);|Returns the absolute value of 'val'|5=local value = -4.2<br>local absoluteNum = '''Space.Math.Abs'''(value);<br>Space.Log(absoluteNum);<br>''-- prints  4 [BUG] should be 4.2''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static int|Abs|(int v);|Returns the absolute number (i.e. always positive) of the input value.|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Abs|(int val);|Returns the absolute value of 'val'|5=local value = -4<br>local absoluteNum = '''Space.Math.Abs'''(value);<br>Space.Log(absoluteNum);<br>''-- prints  4''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Acos|(float v);|Returns the arc cosine of the input value|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Acos|(float val);|Returns the arc cosine value of 'val'|5=local value = 0.5;<br>local arcCosine = '''Space.Math.Acos'''(value);<br>Space.Log(arcCosine);<br>''-- prints 1.04719758033752 (radians) which is 60 degrees''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static bool|Approximately|(float a, float b);|Returns true if the values approximately are equal. Due to the nature of floating point values on modern computers, it is often possible to get two values that should match, which are very close, but not exactly the same.|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Approximately|(float a, float b);|True if the difference between a and b is less than epsilon|5=local a = 5.0;<br>local b = 5;<br>local approx1 = '''Space.Math.Approximately'''(a, b);<br>Space.Log(approx1);<br>''-- prints true''<br><br>local a = 5.01;<br>local b = 5.0;<br>local approx2 = '''Space.Math.Approximately'''(a, b);<br>Space.Log(approx2);<br>''-- prints false''<br><br>local a = 5.01;<br>local b = 5.0;<br>local approx3 = '''Space.Math.Approximately'''(a, b);<br>Space.Log(approx3);<br>''-- prints false''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Asin|(float v);|Returns the arc sine value of 'v'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Asin|(float val);|Returns the arc sine value of 'val'|5=local value = 0.5;<br>local arcSine = '''Space.Math.Asin'''(value);<br>Space.Log(arcSine);<br>''-- prints 0.523598790168762 (radians) which is 30 degrees''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Atan|(float v);|Returns the arc tangent value of 'v'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Atan|(float val);|Returns the arc tangent value of 'val'|5=local value = 1.732050808;<br>local arcTangent = '''Space.Math.Atan'''(value);<br>Space.Log(arcTangent);<br>''-- prints 1.04719758033752 (radians) which is  60 degrees''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Atan2|(float y, float x);|Returns the arc tangent of y/x|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Atan2|(float y, float x);|Returns the arc tangent of y/x|5=local x = 0.5;<br>local y = 0.5;<br>local arcTangent = '''Space.Math.Atan2'''(y, x);<br>Space.Log(arcTangent);<br>''-- prints 0.785398185253143''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static int|Ceil|(float v);|Returns the ceil value of 'val' as an integer|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Ceil|(float val);|Returns the ceil value of 'val' as an integer|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Ceil'''(4.0));<br>
''-- prints 4''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Ceil'''(4.2));<br>''-- prints 5''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Ceil'''(-4.2));<br>''-- prints -4''   
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Clamp|(float v, float min, float max);|Clamps val between min and max, and returns the result|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Clamp|(float val, float min, float max);|Clamps val between min and max, and returns the result|5=local value = 100.0;<br>local min = 20.0;<br>local max = 82.0;<br><br>local clampedValue = '''Space.Math.Clamp'''(value, min, max);<br>Space.Log(clampedValue);<br>
''-- prints 82''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Clamp01|(float v);|Clamps val between 0 and 1, and returns the result|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Clamp01|(float val);|Clamps val between 0 and 1, and returns the result|5=local value = -1.0;<br><br>local clampedValue = '''Space.Math.Clamp01'''(value);<br>Space.Log(clampedValue);<br>''-- prints 0''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static int|ClosestPowerOfTwo|(int v);|Returns the closest power of two to val|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|ClosestPowerOfTwo|(int val);|Returns the closest power of two to val|5=local value = 33;<br><br>local powerOfTwo = '''Space.Math.ClosestPowerOfTwo'''(value);<br>Space.Log(powerOfTwo);<br>''-- prints 32''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Cos|(float v);|Returns the cosine of val|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Cos|(float val);|Returns the cosine of val|5=local angle = 1.04719758033752; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local cosine = '''Space.Math.Cos'''(angle);<br>Space.Log(cosine);<br>''-- prints 0.499999970197678''<br><br>local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local cosine2 = '''Space.Math.Cos'''(angle2);<br>Space.Log(cosine2);<br>''-- prints 0.499999970197678''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|DeltaAngle|(float current, float target);|Returns the difference in degrees between two values (e.g. 350' and 17' returns 27')|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|DeltaAngle|(float current, float target);|Returns the difference in degrees between two values (e.g. 350' and 17' returns 27')|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.DeltaAngle'''(350.0, 17.0));<br>''-- prints 27''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Exp|(float v);|Returns e raised to v power.|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Exp|(float val);|Returns e raised to val power.|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Exp'''(3.0));<br>''-- prints 20.0855369567871''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static int|Floor|(float v);|Returns floor of val, converted to an int|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Floor|(float val);|Returns floor of val, converted to an int|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Floor'''(4.0));<br>''-- prints 4''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Floor'''(4.2));<br>''-- prints 4''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Floor'''(-4.2));<br>''-- prints -5''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|GammaToLinearSpace|(float v);|Converts a colour value from Gamma to Linear Space (Pow 2.2)|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|GammaToLinearSpace|(float val);|Converts a colour value from Gamma to Linear Space (Pow 2.2)|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.GammaToLinearSpace'''(0.5));<br>''-- prints 0.214041143655777''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|InverseLerp|(float a, float b, float value);|Returns the percentage between a and b that 'val' is on a line (opposite of Lerp)|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|InverseLerp|(float a, float b, float val);|Returns the percentage between a and b that 'val' is on a line (opposite of Lerp)|5=local sliderStart = 0.0;<br>local sliderStop = 100.0;<br>local currentSliderPos = 75.0;<br><br>local percentage = '''Space.Math.InverseLerp'''(sliderStart, sliderStop, currentSliderPos);<br>Space.Log(percentage);
<br>''-- prints 0.75''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static bool|IsPowerOfTwo|(int v);|Returns true if val is a power of two|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|IsPowerOfTwo|(int val);|Returns true if val is a power of two|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.IsPowerOfTwo'''(55));<br>''-- prints False''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.IsPowerOfTwo'''(32));<br>
''-- prints True''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Lerp|(float a, float b, float v);|Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Lerp|(float a, float b, float val);|Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1|5=local sliderStart = 0.0;<br>local sliderStop = 100.0;<br>local percentage = 0.75;<br><br>local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.Lerp'''(sliderStart, sliderStop, percentage);<br>Space.Log(currentSliderPos);<br> ''-- prints 75''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|LerpAngle|(float a, float b, float v);|Interpolates between angles 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|LerpAngle|(float a, float b, float val);|Interpolates between angles 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1|5=local sliderStartAngle = 0.0;<br>local sliderStopAngle = Space.Math.Pi;''-- 180 degrees''<br>local percentage = 0.50;<br><br>local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.LerpAngle'''(sliderStartAngle, sliderStopAngle, percentage);<br>Space.Log(currentSliderPos);<br>
''-- prints 1.57079637050629 (90 degrees)''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|LerpUnclamped|(float a, float b, float v);|Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1, but unbounded (allowing higher/lower values)|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|LerpUnclamped|(float a, float b, float val);|Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1, but unbounded (allowing higher/lower values)|5=local sliderStart = 0.0;<br>local sliderStop = 100.0;<br>local percentage = 2.0;<br><br>local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.LerpUnclamped'''(sliderStart, sliderStop, percentage);<br>Space.Log(currentSliderPos);<br> ''-- prints 200''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|LinearToGammaSpace|(float v);|Converts a colour value from Linear to Gamma Space (Pow 1/2.2)|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|LinearToGammaSpace|(float val);|Converts a colour value from Linear to Gamma Space (Pow 1/2.2)|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.LinearToGammaSpace'''(0.214041143655777));<br>-''- prints 0.5''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Log|(float v);|Returns the natural logarithm for 'v'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Log|(float val);|Returns the natural logarithm for 'val'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Log'''(30.0));<br>''-- prints 3.40119743347168''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Log|(float v, float p);|Returns the logarithm of 'p' for 'v'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Log|(float val, float p);|Returns the logarithm of 'p' for 'val'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Log'''(4.0, 2.0));<br>''-- prints 2''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Log10|(float v);|Returns the Log10 value for 'v'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Log10|(float val);|Returns the Log10 value for 'val'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Log10'''(100.0));<br>''-- prints 2''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Max|(float a, float b);|Returns higher of 'a' or 'b'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Max|(float a, float b);|Returns higher of 'a' or 'b'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Max'''(20.0, 100.0));<br>
''-- prints 100''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Min|(float a, float b);|Returns lower of 'a' or 'b'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Min|(float a, float b);|Returns lower of 'a' or 'b'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Min'''(20.0, 100.0));<br>
''-- prints 20''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|MoveTowards|(float value, float target, float delta);|Move value to target, but by no more than delta|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|MoveTowards|(float value, float target, float delta);|Move value to target, but by no more than delta|5=local sliderStart = 5.0;<br>
local sliderStop = 10.0;<br>
local deltaChange = 1.0;<br><br>
local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.MoveTowards'''(sliderStart, sliderStop, deltaChange);<br>
''-- prints 6 (moves forward 1)''<br><br><br>
local sliderStart = 5.0;<br>
local sliderStop = 10.0;<br>
local deltaChange = 7.0;<br><br>
local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.MoveTowards'''(sliderStart, sliderStop, deltaChange);<br>
''-- prints 10 (caps out at at the target value)''<br><br>
''-- NOTE: Use negative delta to move away from target.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|MoveTowardsAngle|(float value, float target, float delta);|Move angle value to target, but by no more than delta|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|MoveTowardsAngle|(float value, float target, float delta);|Move angle value to target, but by no more than delta|5=local sliderStartAngle = Space.Math.Pi/2; ''-- 90 degrees''<br>
local sliderStopAngle = Space.Math.Pi; ''-- 180 degrees''<br>
local deltaChange = Space.Math.Pi/6; ''-- 30 degrees''<br><br>
local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.MoveTowardsAngle'''(sliderStartAngle, sliderStopAngle, deltaChange);<br>
''-- prints 2.09439516067505 (moves forward 30 degrees to 120 degrees)''<br><br>
-- NOTE: Add 180 degrees (Space.Math.Pi) to move away from target.}}
{{ScriptFunction|static int|NextPowerOfTwo|(int v);|Return the next power of two larger or equal to val|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|NextPowerOfTwo|(int val);|Return the next power of two larger or equal to val|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.NextPowerOfTwo'''(16));<br>''-- prints 16''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.NextPowerOfTwo'''(17));<br>''-- prints 32''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|PerlinNoise|(float x, float y);|Return 2D Perlin noise for coordinates x and y|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|PerlinNoise|(float x, float y);|Return 2D Perlin noise for coordinates x and y|5=-- Lua Translation of Unity C# Documentation<br><br>
local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
''-- animates this object to move upwards on the y axis with slight random movement''<br>
local animateBall = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local heightScale = 0.1; ''-- controls speed of movement''<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local xScale = 1.0; ''-- shifts x position on perlin noise plane''<br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local height = heightScale * '''Space.Math.PerlinNoise'''(Space.Time * xScale, 0.0);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local pos = ball.LocalPosition;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;pos.y = pos.y + height;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;ball.LocalPosition = pos;<br>
''-- NOTE: If you need a guaranteed range of [0,1], make sure to clamp the value with Space.Math.Clamp01.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|PingPong|(float t, float length);|Return a value between 0 and length that oscillates upwards and back based on the position of 'val'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|PingPong|(float val, float length);|Return a value between 0 and length that oscillates upwards and back based on the position of 'val'|5=
''--[[ In this example, if you traced the output of Space.Math.PingPong(value, length),''
''the return values would cycle forward through the range [0,5] then cycle backwards through the range [5,0] in order. --]]''<br><br>
local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;<br>
''-- The ball object oscillates back and forth on the x-axis.''<br>
local animateBall = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local value = Space.Time;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local length = 5.0;<br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local newPos = Vector.New('''Space.Math.PingPong'''(value, length) + originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;ball.LocalPosition = newPos;<br>
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Pow|(float value, float pow);|Return x raised to y power|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Pow|(float x, float y);|Return x raised to y power|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Pow'''(2, 4));<br>''-- prints 16''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Repeat|(float value, float length);|Return a value between 0 and length that returns to 0 after exceeding length based on 'val'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Repeat|(float val, float length);|Return a value between 0 and length that returns to 0 after exceeding length based on 'val'|5=  
''--[[ In this example, if you traced the output of Space.Math.Repeat(value, length),''
''the return values would cycle forward through the range [0,5]. The cycle is repeated again from 0.--]]''<br><br>
local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;<br>
''-- The ball object moves forward on the x-axis.''<br>
''-- Then, it repeats the same motion again from the beginning.<br>
local animateBall = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local value = Space.Time;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local length = 5.0;<br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local newPos = Vector.New('''Space.Math.Repeat'''(value, length) + originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;ball.LocalPosition = newPos;<br>
{{ScriptFunction|static int|Round|(float value);|Returns the nearest integer value to val|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Round|(float val);|Returns the nearest integer value to val|5=
''-- prints 4''<br><br>
''-- prints 4''<br><br>
''-- prints 4''<br><br>
''-- prints 5''<br><br>
''-- prints 5''<br><br>
''-- prints -4''<br><br>
''-- prints -5''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Sign|(float value);|Returns either 1 or -1 based on the sign of 'v'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Sign|(float val);|Returns either 1 or -1 based on the sign of 'val'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Sign'''(4.2));<br>''-- prints 1''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Sign'''(-4.2));<br>''-- prints -1''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Sin|(float value);|Returns the sine of val|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Sin|(float val);|Returns the sine of val|5=local angle = 1.04719758033752; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local sine = '''Space.Math.Sin'''(angle);<br>Space.Log(sine);<br>''-- prints 0.866025447845459''<br><br>local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local sine2 = '''Space.Math.Sin'''(angle2);<br>Space.Log(sine2);<br>''-- prints 0.866025447845459''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|SmoothStep|(float edge0, float edge1, float x);|Similar to Lerp but moves slowly closer to the edges ('Spherical Lerp')|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|SmoothStep|(float from, float to, float val);|Similar to Lerp but moves slowly closer to the edges ('Spherical Lerp')|5=
''-- Lua Translation of Unity C# Documentation''<br><br>
''--[[ In this example, Space.Math.SmoothStep(min, max, time) returns values in the range [1,10] in order.''<br>
''As values approach 10, the interpolation slows down. --]]''<br><br>
local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;<br>
local min = 1.0;<br>
local max = 10.0;<br>
local duration = 5.0; ''--lower value to speed up; raise to slow down''<br>
local startTime;<br>
local initStartTime = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;startTime = Space.Time;<br>
''-- The ball jumps to min + originalPos, then it moves towards''<br>
''-- max + originalPos while slowing down at the end.''<br>
local animateBall = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local time = (Space.Time - startTime) / duration;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local newPos = Vector.New('''Space.Math.SmoothStep'''(min, max, time)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+ originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;ball.LocalPosition = newPos;<br>
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Sqrt|(float value);|Returns the square root of val|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Sqrt|(float val);|Returns the square root of val|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Sqrt'''(16));<br>''-- prints 4''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Sqrt'''(-16));<br>''-- prints NaN''}}
{{ScriptFunction|static float|Tan|(float value);|Returns the tangent value of 'val'|5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Tan|(float val);|Returns the tangent value of 'val'|5=local angle = 1.04719758033752; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local tangent = '''Space.Math.Tan'''(angle);<br>Space.Log(tangent);<br>''-- prints 1.73205089569092''<br><br>local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local tangent2 = '''Space.Math.Tan'''(angle2);<br>Space.Log(tangent2);<br>''-- prints 1.73205089569092''}}
=Static Public Attributes=
{{ScriptFunction|static readonly float|Pi|{ }|Returns the value of "Pi" which is 3.14159265358979 |5=<pre></pre>|6=<pre></pre>}}
{{Scripting Navbox}}
{{Scripting Navbox}}

Revision as of 13:25, 24 February 2022

The SMath class contains common math functions, see also Scripting/SVector and Scripting/SQuaternion for Vector and Quaternion related math functions.

Static Member


float Pi ;

Returns the constant value of Π (readonly).

-- prints 3.14159274101257



float Random ();

Returns a random float between 0 and 1 (inclusive)

local randomNumber = Space.Math.Random();
-- prints 0.689094245433807


float RandomRange (float min, float max);

Returns a random float between min and max (inclusive)

local min = 100.0;
local max = 500.0;
local randomNumber = Space.Math.RandomRange(min, max );
-- prints 0206.659149169922


int RandomInteger (int min, int max);

Returns a random float between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)

local min = 50;
local max = 75;
local randomInteger = Space.Math.RandomInteger(min, max);
-- prints 52


float Abs (float val);

Returns the absolute value of 'val'

local value = -4.2
local absoluteNum = Space.Math.Abs(value);
-- prints 4 [BUG] should be 4.2


int Abs (int val);

Returns the absolute value of 'val'

local value = -4
local absoluteNum = Space.Math.Abs(value);
-- prints 4


float Acos (float val);

Returns the arc cosine value of 'val'

local value = 0.5;
local arcCosine = Space.Math.Acos(value);
-- prints 1.04719758033752 (radians) which is 60 degrees


bool Approximately (float a, float b);

True if the difference between a and b is less than epsilon

local a = 5.0;
local b = 5;
local approx1 = Space.Math.Approximately(a, b);
-- prints true

local a = 5.01;
local b = 5.0;
local approx2 = Space.Math.Approximately(a, b);
-- prints false

local a = 5.01;
local b = 5.0;
local approx3 = Space.Math.Approximately(a, b);
-- prints false


bool Asin (float val);

Returns the arc sine value of 'val'

local value = 0.5;
local arcSine = Space.Math.Asin(value);
-- prints 0.523598790168762 (radians) which is 30 degrees


bool Atan (float val);

Returns the arc tangent value of 'val'

local value = 1.732050808;
local arcTangent = Space.Math.Atan(value);
-- prints 1.04719758033752 (radians) which is 60 degrees


bool Atan2 (float y, float x);

Returns the arc tangent of y/x

local x = 0.5;
local y = 0.5;
local arcTangent = Space.Math.Atan2(y, x);
-- prints 0.785398185253143


int Ceil (float val);

Returns the ceil value of 'val' as an integer

-- prints 4

-- prints 5

-- prints -4


float Clamp (float val, float min, float max);

Clamps val between min and max, and returns the result

local value = 100.0;
local min = 20.0;
local max = 82.0;

local clampedValue = Space.Math.Clamp(value, min, max);
-- prints 82


float Clamp01 (float val);

Clamps val between 0 and 1, and returns the result

local value = -1.0;

local clampedValue = Space.Math.Clamp01(value);
-- prints 0


int ClosestPowerOfTwo (int val);

Returns the closest power of two to val

local value = 33;

local powerOfTwo = Space.Math.ClosestPowerOfTwo(value);
-- prints 32


float Cos (float val);

Returns the cosine of val

local angle = 1.04719758033752; -- converts to 60 degrees
local cosine = Space.Math.Cos(angle);
-- prints 0.499999970197678

local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; -- converts to 60 degrees
local cosine2 = Space.Math.Cos(angle2);
-- prints 0.499999970197678


float DeltaAngle (float current, float target);

Returns the difference in degrees between two values (e.g. 350' and 17' returns 27')

Space.Log(Space.Math.DeltaAngle(350.0, 17.0));
-- prints 27


float Exp (float val);

Returns e raised to val power.

-- prints 20.0855369567871


int Floor (float val);

Returns floor of val, converted to an int

-- prints 4

-- prints 4

-- prints -5


float GammaToLinearSpace (float val);

Converts a colour value from Gamma to Linear Space (Pow 2.2)

-- prints 0.214041143655777


float InverseLerp (float a, float b, float val);

Returns the percentage between a and b that 'val' is on a line (opposite of Lerp)

local sliderStart = 0.0;
local sliderStop = 100.0;
local currentSliderPos = 75.0;

local percentage = Space.Math.InverseLerp(sliderStart, sliderStop, currentSliderPos);
-- prints 0.75


bool IsPowerOfTwo (int val);

Returns true if val is a power of two

-- prints False

-- prints True


float Lerp (float a, float b, float val);

Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1

local sliderStart = 0.0;
local sliderStop = 100.0;
local percentage = 0.75;

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.Lerp(sliderStart, sliderStop, percentage);
-- prints 75


float LerpAngle (float a, float b, float val);

Interpolates between angles 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1

local sliderStartAngle = 0.0;
local sliderStopAngle = Space.Math.Pi;-- 180 degrees
local percentage = 0.50;

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.LerpAngle(sliderStartAngle, sliderStopAngle, percentage);
-- prints 1.57079637050629 (90 degrees)


float LerpUnclamped (float a, float b, float val);

Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1, but unbounded (allowing higher/lower values)

local sliderStart = 0.0;
local sliderStop = 100.0;
local percentage = 2.0;

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.LerpUnclamped(sliderStart, sliderStop, percentage);
-- prints 200


float LinearToGammaSpace (float val);

Converts a colour value from Linear to Gamma Space (Pow 1/2.2)

-- prints 0.5


float Log (float val);

Returns the natural logarithm for 'val'

-- prints 3.40119743347168


float Log (float val, float p);

Returns the logarithm of 'p' for 'val'

Space.Log(Space.Math.Log(4.0, 2.0));
-- prints 2


float Log10 (float val);

Returns the Log10 value for 'val'

-- prints 2


float Max (float a, float b);

Returns higher of 'a' or 'b'

Space.Log(Space.Math.Max(20.0, 100.0));
-- prints 100


float Min (float a, float b);

Returns lower of 'a' or 'b'

Space.Log(Space.Math.Min(20.0, 100.0));
-- prints 20


float MoveTowards (float value, float target, float delta);

Move value to target, but by no more than delta

local sliderStart = 5.0;

local sliderStop = 10.0;
local deltaChange = 1.0;

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.MoveTowards(sliderStart, sliderStop, deltaChange);
-- prints 6 (moves forward 1)

local sliderStart = 5.0;
local sliderStop = 10.0;
local deltaChange = 7.0;

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.MoveTowards(sliderStart, sliderStop, deltaChange);
Space.Log(currentSliderPos); -- prints 10 (caps out at at the target value)

-- NOTE: Use negative delta to move away from target.


float MoveTowardsAngle (float value, float target, float delta);

Move angle value to target, but by no more than delta

local sliderStartAngle = Space.Math.Pi/2; -- 90 degrees

local sliderStopAngle = Space.Math.Pi; -- 180 degrees
local deltaChange = Space.Math.Pi/6; -- 30 degrees

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.MoveTowardsAngle(sliderStartAngle, sliderStopAngle, deltaChange);
-- prints 2.09439516067505 (moves forward 30 degrees to 120 degrees)

-- NOTE: Add 180 degrees (Space.Math.Pi) to move away from target.


int NextPowerOfTwo (int val);

Return the next power of two larger or equal to val

-- prints 16

-- prints 32


float PerlinNoise (float x, float y);

Return 2D Perlin noise for coordinates x and y

-- Lua Translation of Unity C# Documentation

local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- animates this object to move upwards on the y axis with slight random movement
local animateBall = function()
  local heightScale = 0.1; -- controls speed of movement
  local xScale = 1.0; -- shifts x position on perlin noise plane

  local height = heightScale * Space.Math.PerlinNoise(Space.Time * xScale, 0.0);
  local pos = ball.LocalPosition;
  pos.y = pos.y + height;
  ball.LocalPosition = pos;


-- NOTE: If you need a guaranteed range of [0,1], make sure to clamp the value with Space.Math.Clamp01.


float PingPong (float val, float length);

Return a value between 0 and length that oscillates upwards and back based on the position of 'val'

--[[ In this example, if you traced the output of Space.Math.PingPong(value, length),

the return values would cycle forward through the range [0,5] then cycle backwards through the range [5,0] in order. --]]

local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;

-- The ball object oscillates back and forth on the x-axis.
local animateBall = function()
  local value = Space.Time;
  local length = 5.0;

  local newPos = Vector.New(Space.Math.PingPong(value, length) + originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);
  ball.LocalPosition = newPos;



float Pow (float x, float y);

Return x raised to y power

Space.Log(Space.Math.Pow(2, 4));
-- prints 16


float Repeat (float val, float length);

Return a value between 0 and length that returns to 0 after exceeding length based on 'val'

--[[ In this example, if you traced the output of Space.Math.Repeat(value, length),

the return values would cycle forward through the range [0,5]. The cycle is repeated again from 0.--]]

local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;

-- The ball object moves forward on the x-axis.
-- Then, it repeats the same motion again from the beginning.
local animateBall = function()
  local value = Space.Time;
  local length = 5.0;

  local newPos = Vector.New(Space.Math.Repeat(value, length) + originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);
  ball.LocalPosition = newPos;



int Round (float val);

Returns the nearest integer value to val


-- prints 4

-- prints 4

-- prints 4

-- prints 5

-- prints 5

-- prints -4


-- prints -5


float Sign (float val);

Returns either 1 or -1 based on the sign of 'val'

-- prints 1

-- prints -1


float Sin (float val);

Returns the sine of val

local angle = 1.04719758033752; -- converts to 60 degrees
local sine = Space.Math.Sin(angle);
-- prints 0.866025447845459

local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; -- converts to 60 degrees
local sine2 = Space.Math.Sin(angle2);
-- prints 0.866025447845459


float SmoothStep (float from, float to, float val);

Similar to Lerp but moves slowly closer to the edges ('Spherical Lerp')

-- Lua Translation of Unity C# Documentation

--[[ In this example, Space.Math.SmoothStep(min, max, time) returns values in the range [1,10] in order.
As values approach 10, the interpolation slows down. --]]

local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;
local min = 1.0;
local max = 10.0;
local duration = 5.0; --lower value to speed up; raise to slow down
local startTime;

local initStartTime = function()
  startTime = Space.Time;

-- The ball jumps to min + originalPos, then it moves towards
-- max + originalPos while slowing down at the end.
local animateBall = function()
  local time = (Space.Time - startTime) / duration;
  local newPos = Vector.New(Space.Math.SmoothStep(min, max, time)
        + originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);
  ball.LocalPosition = newPos;




float Sqrt (float val);

Returns the square root of val

-- prints 4

-- prints NaN


float Tan (float val);

Returns the tangent value of 'val'

local angle = 1.04719758033752; -- converts to 60 degrees
local tangent = Space.Math.Tan(angle);
-- prints 1.73205089569092

local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; -- converts to 60 degrees
local tangent2 = Space.Math.Tan(angle2);
-- prints 1.73205089569092