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bool Enabled { get;set; }

Is this UI layout component Enabled?

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.Enabled = false

--clicking this object will toggle a Layout's Enabled status

thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
layout = Space.Host.GetReference("layout").UILayout 
--make sure to add this reference to the Scripting Runtime component

OnClick = function()
layout.ReadOnly =  not layout.ReadOnly



int PaddingLeft { get;set; }

Space reserved for the left edge of the padding during the layout phase.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.PaddingLeft= 2


int PaddingRight { get;set; }

Space reserved for the right edge of the padding during the layout phase.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.PaddingRight= 2


int PaddingTop { get;set; }

Space reserved for the top edge of the padding during the layout phase.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.PaddingTop= 2


int PaddingBottom { get;set; }

Space reserved for the bottom edge of the padding during the layout phase.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.PaddingBottom= 2


string ChildAlignment { get;set; }

No documentation

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.ChildAlignment = "1"


float Spacing { get;set; }

The spacing to use between layout elements in the layout group.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.Spacing= 2


bool ChildControlHeight { get;set; }

Returns true if the Layout Group controls the heights of its children. Returns false if children control their own heights.

If set to false, the layout group will only affect the positions of the children while leaving the heights untouched. The heights of the children can be set via the respective RectTransforms in this case.

If set to true, the heights of the children are automatically driven by the layout group according to their respective minimum, preferred, and flexible heights. This is useful if the heights of the children should change depending on how much space is available. In this case the height of each child cannot be set manually in the RectTransform, but the minimum, preferred and flexible height for each child can be controlled by adding a LayoutElement component to it.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.ChildControlHeight= true


bool ChildControlWidth { get;set; }

Returns true if the Layout Group controls the widths of its children. Returns false if children control their own widths.

If set to false, the layout group will only affect the positions of the children while leaving the widths untouched. The widths of the children can be set via the respective RectTransforms in this case.

If set to true, the widths of the children are automatically driven by the layout group according to their respective minimum, preferred, and flexible widths. This is useful if the widths of the children should change depending on how much space is available. In this case the width of each child cannot be set manually in the RectTransform, but the minimum, preferred and flexible width for each child can be controlled by adding a LayoutElement component to it.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.ChildControlWidth= false


bool ChildForceExpandHeight { get;set; }

Whether to force the children to expand to fill additional available vertical space.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.ChildForceExpandHeight= false


bool ChildForceExpandWidth { get;set; }

Whether to force the children to expand to fill additional available horizontal space.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.ChildForceExpandWidth= false


Svector GridCellSize { get;set; }

The size to use for each cell in the grid.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.GridCellSize= Vector.New(1,1,0)


Svector GridSpacing { get;set; }

The spacing to use between layout elements in the grid.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.GridSpacing= Vector.New(1,1,0)


int GridConstraintCount { get;set; }

How many cells there should be along the constrained axis.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.GridConstraintCount= 2


string GridConstraint { get;set; }

No documentation

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout.GridConstraint = 1