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float AlphaHitTestMinimumThreshold { get; set; }

The alpha threshold specifies the minimum alpha a pixel must have for the event to considered a "hit" on the Image. Alpha values less than the threshold will cause raycast events to pass through the Image. An value of 1 would cause only fully opaque pixels to register raycast events on the Image. The alpha tested is retrieved from the image sprite only, while the alpha of the Image Graphic.color is disregarded.

alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold defaults to 0; all raycast events inside the Image rectangle are considered a hit. In order for greater than 0 to values to work, the sprite used by the Image must have readable pixels. This can be achieved by enabling Read/Write enabled in the advanced Texture Import Settings for the sprite and disabling atlassing for the sprite.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.AlphaHitTestMinimumThreshold =  0


SColor Color { get; set; }

Default Color of UIImage

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.Color= Color.Red


float FillAmount { get; set; }

Amount of the Image shown

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.FillAmount = 0.5


bool FillCenter { get; set; }

Whether or not to render the center

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.FillCenter = true


bool FillClockwise { get; set; }

Whether the Image should be filled clockwise (true) or counter-clockwise (false).

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.FillClockwise = true


int FillOrigin { get; set; }

Controls the origin point of the Fill process.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.FillOrigin = 0


bool HasBorder { get; }

True if the sprite used has borders.

imgHasBorder = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.HasBorder 


SMaterial Material { get; set; }

The specified Material used by this Image. The default Material is used instead if one wasn't specified.

imageMaterial = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.Material 


bool PreserveAspect { get; set; }

Whether this image should preserve its Sprite aspect ratio.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.PreserveAspect = true 


SResource Sprite { get; set; }

The sprite that is used to render this image.

imageSprite= Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.Sprite 


float FlexibleHeight { get;}

The extra relative height this UIImage should be allocated if there is additional available space. (Used by the Layout system)

flexHeight = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.FlexibleHeight


float FlexibleWidth { get;}

The extra relative width this UIImage should be allocated if there is additional available space. (Used by the Layout system)

flexWidth = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.FlexibleWidth


float MinHeight { get;}

The minimum height this UIImage may be allocated.(Used by the Layout system).

minHeight = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.MinHeight


float MinWidth { get;}

The minimum width this UIImage may be allocated. (Used by the Layout system).

minWidth = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.MinWidth


float PreferredHeight { get;}

The preferred height this UIImage should be allocated if there is sufficient space. (Used by the Layout system)

prefHeight = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.PreferredHeight


bool PreferredWidth { get; }

The preferred width this UIImage should be allocated if there is sufficient space. (Used by the Layout system)

prefWidth = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.PreferredWidth


int LayoutPriority {get;}

The layout priority of this UIText component.(Used by the Layout system.)

layoutPrio = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.LayoutPriority)


float PixelsPerUnit {get;}

Provides information about how fonts are scale to the screen.

For dynamic fonts, the value is equivalent to the scale factor of the canvas. For non-dynamic fonts, the value is calculated from the requested text size and the size from the font.

ppUnit = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage.PixelsPerUnit