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The SMath class contains common math functions, see also [[SVector]] and [[SQuaternion]] for Vector and Quaternion related math functions.
The SMath class contains common math functions, see also [[Scripting/SVector]] and [[Scripting/SQuaternion]] for Vector and Quaternion related math functions.
==Static Member==
{{ScriptFunction|float|Pi|;|Returns the constant value of &#928; (readonly).|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Pi''');<br>''-- prints 3.14159274101257''
{{ScriptFunction|float|Random|();|Returns a random float between 0 and 1 (inclusive)|5 = local randomNumber = Space.Math.Random();<br>Space.Log(randomNumber);<br>-- prints 0.689094245433807}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Random|();|Returns a random float between 0 and 1 (inclusive)|5 = local randomNumber = '''Space.Math.Random()''';<br>Space.Log(randomNumber);<br>-- prints 0.689094245433807}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|RandomRange|(float min, float max);|Returns a random float between min and max (inclusive)|5=local min = 100.0;<br>local max = 500.0;<br>local randomNumber = Space.Math.RandomRange(min, max );
{{ScriptFunction|float|RandomRange|(float min, float max);|Returns a random float between min and max (inclusive)|5=local min = 100.0;<br>local max = 500.0;<br>local randomNumber = '''Space.Math.RandomRange'''(min, max );
<br>Space.Log(randomNumber);<br>-- prints 0206.659149169922}}
<br>Space.Log(randomNumber);<br>-- prints 0206.659149169922}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|RandomInteger|(int min, int max);|Returns a random float between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Abs|(float val);|Returns the absolute value of 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|RandomInteger|(int min, int max);|Returns a random float between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)|5=local min = 50;<br>local max = 75;<br>local randomInteger = '''Space.Math.RandomInteger'''(min, max);<br>Space.Log(randomInteger);<br>-- prints  52}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Abs|(int val);|Returns the absolute value of 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Acos|(float val);|Returns the arc cosine value of 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Abs|(float val);|Returns the absolute value of 'val'|5=local value = -4.2<br>local absoluteNum = '''Space.Math.Abs'''(value);<br>Space.Log(absoluteNum);<br>''-- prints  4 [BUG] should be 4.2''}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Approximately|(float a, float b);|True if the difference between a and b is less than epsilon}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Asin|(float val);|Returns the arc sine value of 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Abs|(int val);|Returns the absolute value of 'val'|5=local value = -4<br>local absoluteNum = '''Space.Math.Abs'''(value);<br>Space.Log(absoluteNum);<br>''-- prints  4''}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Atan|(float val);|Returns the arc tangent value of 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Atan2|(float y, float x);|Returns the arc tangent of y/x}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Acos|(float val);|Returns the arc cosine value of 'val'|5=local value = 0.5;<br>local arcCosine = '''Space.Math.Acos'''(value);<br>Space.Log(arcCosine);<br>''-- prints 1.04719758033752 (radians) which is 60 degrees''}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Ceil|(float val);|Returns the ceil value of 'val' as an integer}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Clamp|(float val, float min, float max);|Clamps val between min and max, and returns the result}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Approximately|(float a, float b);|True if the difference between a and b is less than epsilon|5=local a = 5.0;<br>local b = 5;<br>local approx1 = '''Space.Math.Approximately'''(a, b);<br>Space.Log(approx1);<br>''-- prints true''<br><br>local a = 5.01;<br>local b = 5.0;<br>local approx2 = '''Space.Math.Approximately'''(a, b);<br>Space.Log(approx2);<br>''-- prints false''<br><br>local a = 5.01;<br>local b = 5.0;<br>local approx3 = '''Space.Math.Approximately'''(a, b);<br>Space.Log(approx3);<br>''-- prints false''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Clamp01|(float val);|Clamps val between 0 and 1, and returns the result}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|ClosestPowerOfTwo|(int val);|Returns the closest power of two to val}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Asin|(float val);|Returns the arc sine value of 'val'|5=local value = 0.5;<br>local arcSine = '''Space.Math.Asin'''(value);<br>Space.Log(arcSine);<br>''-- prints 0.523598790168762 (radians) which is 30 degrees''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Cos|(float val);|Returns the cosine of val}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|DeltaAngle|(float current, float target);|Returns the difference in degrees between two values (e.g. 350' and 17' returns 27')}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Atan|(float val);|Returns the arc tangent value of 'val'|5=local value = 1.732050808;<br>local arcTangent = '''Space.Math.Atan'''(value);<br>Space.Log(arcTangent);<br>''-- prints 1.04719758033752 (radians) which is  60 degrees''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Exp|(float val);|Returns Exp of val}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Floor|(float val);|Returns floor of val, converted to an int}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Atan2|(float y, float x);|Returns the arc tangent of y/x|5=local x = 0.5;<br>local y = 0.5;<br>local arcTangent = '''Space.Math.Atan2'''(y, x);<br>Space.Log(arcTangent);<br>''-- prints 0.785398185253143''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|GammaToLinearSpace|(float val);|Converts a colour value from Gamma to Linear Space (Pow 2.2)}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|InverseLerp|(float a, float b, float val);|Returns the percentage between a and b that 'val' is on a line (opposite of Lerp)}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Ceil|(float val);|Returns the ceil value of 'val' as an integer|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Ceil'''(4.0));<br>
{{ScriptFunction|bool|IsPowerOfTwo|(int val);|Returns true if val is a power of two}}
''-- prints 4''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Ceil'''(4.2));<br>''-- prints 5''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Ceil'''(-4.2));<br>''-- prints -4''   
{{ScriptFunction|float|Lerp|(float a, float b, float val);|Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|LerpAngle|(float a, float b, float val);|Interpolates between angles 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|LerpUnclamped|(float a, float b, float val);|Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1, but unbounded (allowing higher/lower values)}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Clamp|(float val, float min, float max);|Clamps val between min and max, and returns the result|5=local value = 100.0;<br>local min = 20.0;<br>local max = 82.0;<br><br>local clampedValue = '''Space.Math.Clamp'''(value, min, max);<br>Space.Log(clampedValue);<br>
{{ScriptFunction|float|GammaToLinearSpace|(float val);|Converts a colour value from Linear to Gamma Space (Pow 1/2.2)}}
''-- prints 82''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Log|(float val);|Returns the natural logarithm for 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Log|(float val, float p);|Returns the logarithm of 'p' for 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Clamp01|(float val);|Clamps val between 0 and 1, and returns the result|5=local value = -1.0;<br><br>local clampedValue = '''Space.Math.Clamp01'''(value);<br>Space.Log(clampedValue);<br>''-- prints 0''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Log10|(float val);|Returns the Log10 value for 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Max|(float a, float b);|Returns higher of 'a' or 'b'}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|ClosestPowerOfTwo|(int val);|Returns the closest power of two to val|5=local value = 33;<br><br>local powerOfTwo = '''Space.Math.ClosestPowerOfTwo'''(value);<br>Space.Log(powerOfTwo);<br>''-- prints 32''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Min|(float a, float b);|Returns lower of 'a' or 'b'}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|MoveTowards|(float value, float target, float delta);|Move value to target, but by no more than delta}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Cos|(float val);|Returns the cosine of val|5=local angle = 1.04719758033752; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local cosine = '''Space.Math.Cos'''(angle);<br>Space.Log(cosine);<br>''-- prints 0.499999970197678''<br><br>local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local cosine2 = '''Space.Math.Cos'''(angle2);<br>Space.Log(cosine2);<br>''-- prints 0.499999970197678''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|MoveTowardsAngle|(float value, float target, float delta);|Move angle value to target, but by no more than delta}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|NextPowerOfTwo|(int val);|Return the next power of two larger or equal to val}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|DeltaAngle|(float current, float target);|Returns the difference in degrees between two values (e.g. 350' and 17' returns 27')|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.DeltaAngle'''(350.0, 17.0));<br>''-- prints 27''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|PerlinNoise|(float x, float y);|Return 2D Perlin noise for coordinates x and y}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|PingPong|(float val, float length);|Return a value between 0 and length that oscillates upwards and back based on the position of 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Exp|(float val);|Returns e raised to val power.|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Exp'''(3.0));<br>''-- prints 20.0855369567871''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Pow|(float x, float y);|Return x raised to y power}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Repeat|(float val, float length);|Return a value between 0 and length that returns to 0 after exceeding length based on 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Floor|(float val);|Returns floor of val, converted to an int|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Floor'''(4.0));<br>''-- prints 4''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Floor'''(4.2));<br>''-- prints 4''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Floor'''(-4.2));<br>''-- prints -5''}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Round|(float val);|Returns the nearest integer value to val}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Sign|(float val);|Returns either 1 or -1 based on the sign of 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|GammaToLinearSpace|(float val);|Converts a colour value from Gamma to Linear Space (Pow 2.2)|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.GammaToLinearSpace'''(0.5));<br>''-- prints 0.214041143655777''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Sin|(float val);|Returns the sine of val}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|SmoothStep|(float from, float to, float val);|Similar to Lerp but moves slowly closer to the edges ('Spherical Lerp')}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|InverseLerp|(float a, float b, float val);|Returns the percentage between a and b that 'val' is on a line (opposite of Lerp)|5=local sliderStart = 0.0;<br>local sliderStop = 100.0;<br>local currentSliderPos = 75.0;<br><br>local percentage = '''Space.Math.InverseLerp'''(sliderStart, sliderStop, currentSliderPos);<br>Space.Log(percentage);
{{ScriptFunction|float|Sqrt|(float val);|Returns the square root of val}}
<br>''-- prints 0.75''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Tan|(float val);|Returns the tangent value of 'val'}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|IsPowerOfTwo|(int val);|Returns true if val is a power of two|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.IsPowerOfTwo'''(55));<br>''-- prints False''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.IsPowerOfTwo'''(32));<br>
''-- prints True''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Lerp|(float a, float b, float val);|Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1|5=local sliderStart = 0.0;<br>local sliderStop = 100.0;<br>local percentage = 0.75;<br><br>local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.Lerp'''(sliderStart, sliderStop, percentage);<br>Space.Log(currentSliderPos);<br> ''-- prints 75''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|LerpAngle|(float a, float b, float val);|Interpolates between angles 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1|5=local sliderStartAngle = 0.0;<br>local sliderStopAngle = Space.Math.Pi;''-- 180 degrees''<br>local percentage = 0.50;<br><br>local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.LerpAngle'''(sliderStartAngle, sliderStopAngle, percentage);<br>Space.Log(currentSliderPos);<br>
''-- prints 1.57079637050629 (90 degrees)''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|LerpUnclamped|(float a, float b, float val);|Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1, but unbounded (allowing higher/lower values)|5=local sliderStart = 0.0;<br>local sliderStop = 100.0;<br>local percentage = 2.0;<br><br>local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.LerpUnclamped'''(sliderStart, sliderStop, percentage);<br>Space.Log(currentSliderPos);<br> ''-- prints 200''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|LinearToGammaSpace|(float val);|Converts a colour value from Linear to Gamma Space (Pow 1/2.2)|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.LinearToGammaSpace'''(0.214041143655777));<br>-''- prints 0.5''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Log|(float val);|Returns the natural logarithm for 'val'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Log'''(30.0));<br>''-- prints 3.40119743347168''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Log|(float val, float p);|Returns the logarithm of 'p' for 'val'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Log'''(4.0, 2.0));<br>''-- prints 2''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Log10|(float val);|Returns the Log10 value for 'val'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Log10'''(100.0));<br>''-- prints 2''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Max|(float a, float b);|Returns higher of 'a' or 'b'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Max'''(20.0, 100.0));<br>
''-- prints 100''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Min|(float a, float b);|Returns lower of 'a' or 'b'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Min'''(20.0, 100.0));<br>
''-- prints 20''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|MoveTowards|(float value, float target, float delta);|Move value to target, but by no more than delta|5=local sliderStart = 5.0;<br>
local sliderStop = 10.0;<br>
local deltaChange = 1.0;<br><br>
local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.MoveTowards'''(sliderStart, sliderStop, deltaChange);<br>
''-- prints 6 (moves forward 1)''<br><br><br>
local sliderStart = 5.0;<br>
local sliderStop = 10.0;<br>
local deltaChange = 7.0;<br><br>
local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.MoveTowards'''(sliderStart, sliderStop, deltaChange);<br>
''-- prints 10 (caps out at at the target value)''<br><br>
''-- NOTE: Use negative delta to move away from target.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|MoveTowardsAngle|(float value, float target, float delta);|Move angle value to target, but by no more than delta|5=local sliderStartAngle = Space.Math.Pi/2; ''-- 90 degrees''<br>
local sliderStopAngle = Space.Math.Pi; ''-- 180 degrees''<br>
local deltaChange = Space.Math.Pi/6; ''-- 30 degrees''<br><br>
local currentSliderPos = '''Space.Math.MoveTowardsAngle'''(sliderStartAngle, sliderStopAngle, deltaChange);<br>
''-- prints 2.09439516067505 (moves forward 30 degrees to 120 degrees)''<br><br>
-- NOTE: Add 180 degrees (Space.Math.Pi) to move away from target.}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|NextPowerOfTwo|(int val);|Return the next power of two larger or equal to val|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.NextPowerOfTwo'''(16));<br>''-- prints 16''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.NextPowerOfTwo'''(17));<br>''-- prints 32''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|PerlinNoise|(float x, float y);|Return 2D Perlin noise for coordinates x and y|5=-- Lua Translation of Unity C# Documentation<br><br>
local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
''-- animates this object to move upwards on the y axis with slight random movement''<br>
local animateBall = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local heightScale = 0.1; ''-- controls speed of movement''<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local xScale = 1.0; ''-- shifts x position on perlin noise plane''<br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local height = heightScale * '''Space.Math.PerlinNoise'''(Space.Time * xScale, 0.0);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local pos = ball.LocalPosition;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;pos.y = pos.y + height;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;ball.LocalPosition = pos;<br>
''-- NOTE: If you need a guaranteed range of [0,1], make sure to clamp the value with Space.Math.Clamp01.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|PingPong|(float val, float length);|Return a value between 0 and length that oscillates upwards and back based on the position of 'val'|5=
''--[[ In this example, if you traced the output of Space.Math.PingPong(value, length),''
''the return values would cycle forward through the range [0,5] then cycle backwards through the range [5,0] in order. --]]''<br><br>
local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;<br>
''-- The ball object oscillates back and forth on the x-axis.''<br>
local animateBall = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local value = Space.Time;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local length = 5.0;<br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local newPos = Vector.New('''Space.Math.PingPong'''(value, length) + originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;ball.LocalPosition = newPos;<br>
{{ScriptFunction|float|Pow|(float x, float y);|Return x raised to y power|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Pow'''(2, 4));<br>''-- prints 16''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Repeat|(float val, float length);|Return a value between 0 and length that returns to 0 after exceeding length based on 'val'|5=
''--[[ In this example, if you traced the output of Space.Math.Repeat(value, length),''
''the return values would cycle forward through the range [0,5]. The cycle is repeated again from 0.--]]''<br><br>
local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;<br>
''-- The ball object moves forward on the x-axis.''<br>
''-- Then, it repeats the same motion again from the beginning.<br>
local animateBall = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local value = Space.Time;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local length = 5.0;<br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local newPos = Vector.New('''Space.Math.Repeat'''(value, length) + originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;ball.LocalPosition = newPos;<br>
{{ScriptFunction|int|Round|(float val);|Returns the nearest integer value to val|5=
''-- prints 4''<br><br>
''-- prints 4''<br><br>
''-- prints 4''<br><br>
''-- prints 5''<br><br>
''-- prints 5''<br><br>
''-- prints -4''<br><br>
''-- prints -5''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Sign|(float val);|Returns either 1 or -1 based on the sign of 'val'|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Sign'''(4.2));<br>''-- prints 1''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Sign'''(-4.2));<br>''-- prints -1''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Sin|(float val);|Returns the sine of val|5=local angle = 1.04719758033752; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local sine = '''Space.Math.Sin'''(angle);<br>Space.Log(sine);<br>''-- prints 0.866025447845459''<br><br>local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local sine2 = '''Space.Math.Sin'''(angle2);<br>Space.Log(sine2);<br>''-- prints 0.866025447845459''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|SmoothStep|(float from, float to, float val);|Similar to Lerp but moves slowly closer to the edges ('Spherical Lerp')|5=
''-- Lua Translation of Unity C# Documentation''<br><br>
''--[[ In this example, Space.Math.SmoothStep(min, max, time) returns values in the range [1,10] in order.''<br>
''As values approach 10, the interpolation slows down. --]]''<br><br>
local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;<br>
local min = 1.0;<br>
local max = 10.0;<br>
local duration = 5.0; ''--lower value to speed up; raise to slow down''<br>
local startTime;<br>
local initStartTime = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;startTime = Space.Time;<br>
''-- The ball jumps to min + originalPos, then it moves towards''<br>
''-- max + originalPos while slowing down at the end.''<br>
local animateBall = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local time = (Space.Time - startTime) / duration;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;local newPos = Vector.New('''Space.Math.SmoothStep'''(min, max, time)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+ originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;ball.LocalPosition = newPos;<br>
{{ScriptFunction|float|Sqrt|(float val);|Returns the square root of val|5=Space.Log('''Space.Math.Sqrt'''(16));<br>''-- prints 4''<br><br>Space.Log('''Space.Math.Sqrt'''(-16));<br>''-- prints NaN''}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Tan|(float val);|Returns the tangent value of 'val'|5=local angle = 1.04719758033752; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local tangent = '''Space.Math.Tan'''(angle);<br>Space.Log(tangent);<br>''-- prints 1.73205089569092''<br><br>local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; ''-- converts to 60 degrees''<br>local tangent2 = '''Space.Math.Tan'''(angle2);<br>Space.Log(tangent2);<br>''-- prints 1.73205089569092''}}
{{Scripting Navbox}}
{{Scripting Navbox}}

Revision as of 05:38, 24 April 2017

The SMath class contains common math functions, see also Scripting/SVector and Scripting/SQuaternion for Vector and Quaternion related math functions.

Static Member


float Pi ;

Returns the constant value of Π (readonly).

-- prints 3.14159274101257



float Random ();

Returns a random float between 0 and 1 (inclusive)

local randomNumber = Space.Math.Random();
-- prints 0.689094245433807


float RandomRange (float min, float max);

Returns a random float between min and max (inclusive)

local min = 100.0;
local max = 500.0;
local randomNumber = Space.Math.RandomRange(min, max );
-- prints 0206.659149169922


int RandomInteger (int min, int max);

Returns a random float between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)

local min = 50;
local max = 75;
local randomInteger = Space.Math.RandomInteger(min, max);
-- prints 52


float Abs (float val);

Returns the absolute value of 'val'

local value = -4.2
local absoluteNum = Space.Math.Abs(value);
-- prints 4 [BUG] should be 4.2


int Abs (int val);

Returns the absolute value of 'val'

local value = -4
local absoluteNum = Space.Math.Abs(value);
-- prints 4


float Acos (float val);

Returns the arc cosine value of 'val'

local value = 0.5;
local arcCosine = Space.Math.Acos(value);
-- prints 1.04719758033752 (radians) which is 60 degrees


bool Approximately (float a, float b);

True if the difference between a and b is less than epsilon

local a = 5.0;
local b = 5;
local approx1 = Space.Math.Approximately(a, b);
-- prints true

local a = 5.01;
local b = 5.0;
local approx2 = Space.Math.Approximately(a, b);
-- prints false

local a = 5.01;
local b = 5.0;
local approx3 = Space.Math.Approximately(a, b);
-- prints false


bool Asin (float val);

Returns the arc sine value of 'val'

local value = 0.5;
local arcSine = Space.Math.Asin(value);
-- prints 0.523598790168762 (radians) which is 30 degrees


bool Atan (float val);

Returns the arc tangent value of 'val'

local value = 1.732050808;
local arcTangent = Space.Math.Atan(value);
-- prints 1.04719758033752 (radians) which is 60 degrees


bool Atan2 (float y, float x);

Returns the arc tangent of y/x

local x = 0.5;
local y = 0.5;
local arcTangent = Space.Math.Atan2(y, x);
-- prints 0.785398185253143


int Ceil (float val);

Returns the ceil value of 'val' as an integer

-- prints 4

-- prints 5

-- prints -4


float Clamp (float val, float min, float max);

Clamps val between min and max, and returns the result

local value = 100.0;
local min = 20.0;
local max = 82.0;

local clampedValue = Space.Math.Clamp(value, min, max);
-- prints 82


float Clamp01 (float val);

Clamps val between 0 and 1, and returns the result

local value = -1.0;

local clampedValue = Space.Math.Clamp01(value);
-- prints 0


int ClosestPowerOfTwo (int val);

Returns the closest power of two to val

local value = 33;

local powerOfTwo = Space.Math.ClosestPowerOfTwo(value);
-- prints 32


float Cos (float val);

Returns the cosine of val

local angle = 1.04719758033752; -- converts to 60 degrees
local cosine = Space.Math.Cos(angle);
-- prints 0.499999970197678

local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; -- converts to 60 degrees
local cosine2 = Space.Math.Cos(angle2);
-- prints 0.499999970197678


float DeltaAngle (float current, float target);

Returns the difference in degrees between two values (e.g. 350' and 17' returns 27')

Space.Log(Space.Math.DeltaAngle(350.0, 17.0));
-- prints 27


float Exp (float val);

Returns e raised to val power.

-- prints 20.0855369567871


int Floor (float val);

Returns floor of val, converted to an int

-- prints 4

-- prints 4

-- prints -5


float GammaToLinearSpace (float val);

Converts a colour value from Gamma to Linear Space (Pow 2.2)

-- prints 0.214041143655777


float InverseLerp (float a, float b, float val);

Returns the percentage between a and b that 'val' is on a line (opposite of Lerp)

local sliderStart = 0.0;
local sliderStop = 100.0;
local currentSliderPos = 75.0;

local percentage = Space.Math.InverseLerp(sliderStart, sliderStop, currentSliderPos);
-- prints 0.75


bool IsPowerOfTwo (int val);

Returns true if val is a power of two

-- prints False

-- prints True


float Lerp (float a, float b, float val);

Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1

local sliderStart = 0.0;
local sliderStop = 100.0;
local percentage = 0.75;

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.Lerp(sliderStart, sliderStop, percentage);
-- prints 75


float LerpAngle (float a, float b, float val);

Interpolates between angles 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1

local sliderStartAngle = 0.0;
local sliderStopAngle = Space.Math.Pi;-- 180 degrees
local percentage = 0.50;

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.LerpAngle(sliderStartAngle, sliderStopAngle, percentage);
-- prints 1.57079637050629 (90 degrees)


float LerpUnclamped (float a, float b, float val);

Interpolates between 'a' and 'b' based on 'val', assuming 'val' is between 0 and 1, but unbounded (allowing higher/lower values)

local sliderStart = 0.0;
local sliderStop = 100.0;
local percentage = 2.0;

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.LerpUnclamped(sliderStart, sliderStop, percentage);
-- prints 200


float LinearToGammaSpace (float val);

Converts a colour value from Linear to Gamma Space (Pow 1/2.2)

-- prints 0.5


float Log (float val);

Returns the natural logarithm for 'val'

-- prints 3.40119743347168


float Log (float val, float p);

Returns the logarithm of 'p' for 'val'

Space.Log(Space.Math.Log(4.0, 2.0));
-- prints 2


float Log10 (float val);

Returns the Log10 value for 'val'

-- prints 2


float Max (float a, float b);

Returns higher of 'a' or 'b'

Space.Log(Space.Math.Max(20.0, 100.0));
-- prints 100


float Min (float a, float b);

Returns lower of 'a' or 'b'

Space.Log(Space.Math.Min(20.0, 100.0));
-- prints 20


float MoveTowards (float value, float target, float delta);

Move value to target, but by no more than delta

local sliderStart = 5.0;

local sliderStop = 10.0;
local deltaChange = 1.0;

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.MoveTowards(sliderStart, sliderStop, deltaChange);
-- prints 6 (moves forward 1)

local sliderStart = 5.0;
local sliderStop = 10.0;
local deltaChange = 7.0;

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.MoveTowards(sliderStart, sliderStop, deltaChange);
Space.Log(currentSliderPos); -- prints 10 (caps out at at the target value)

-- NOTE: Use negative delta to move away from target.


float MoveTowardsAngle (float value, float target, float delta);

Move angle value to target, but by no more than delta

local sliderStartAngle = Space.Math.Pi/2; -- 90 degrees

local sliderStopAngle = Space.Math.Pi; -- 180 degrees
local deltaChange = Space.Math.Pi/6; -- 30 degrees

local currentSliderPos = Space.Math.MoveTowardsAngle(sliderStartAngle, sliderStopAngle, deltaChange);
-- prints 2.09439516067505 (moves forward 30 degrees to 120 degrees)

-- NOTE: Add 180 degrees (Space.Math.Pi) to move away from target.


int NextPowerOfTwo (int val);

Return the next power of two larger or equal to val

-- prints 16

-- prints 32


float PerlinNoise (float x, float y);

Return 2D Perlin noise for coordinates x and y

-- Lua Translation of Unity C# Documentation

local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- animates this object to move upwards on the y axis with slight random movement
local animateBall = function()
  local heightScale = 0.1; -- controls speed of movement
  local xScale = 1.0; -- shifts x position on perlin noise plane

  local height = heightScale * Space.Math.PerlinNoise(Space.Time * xScale, 0.0);
  local pos = ball.LocalPosition;
  pos.y = pos.y + height;
  ball.LocalPosition = pos;


-- NOTE: If you need a guaranteed range of [0,1], make sure to clamp the value with Space.Math.Clamp01.


float PingPong (float val, float length);

Return a value between 0 and length that oscillates upwards and back based on the position of 'val'

--[[ In this example, if you traced the output of Space.Math.PingPong(value, length),

the return values would cycle forward through the range [0,5] then cycle backwards through the range [5,0] in order. --]]

local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;

-- The ball object oscillates back and forth on the x-axis.
local animateBall = function()
  local value = Space.Time;
  local length = 5.0;

  local newPos = Vector.New(Space.Math.PingPong(value, length) + originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);
  ball.LocalPosition = newPos;



float Pow (float x, float y);

Return x raised to y power

Space.Log(Space.Math.Pow(2, 4));
-- prints 16


float Repeat (float val, float length);

Return a value between 0 and length that returns to 0 after exceeding length based on 'val'

--[[ In this example, if you traced the output of Space.Math.Repeat(value, length),

the return values would cycle forward through the range [0,5]. The cycle is repeated again from 0.--]]

local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;

-- The ball object moves forward on the x-axis.
-- Then, it repeats the same motion again from the beginning.
local animateBall = function()
  local value = Space.Time;
  local length = 5.0;

  local newPos = Vector.New(Space.Math.Repeat(value, length) + originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);
  ball.LocalPosition = newPos;



int Round (float val);

Returns the nearest integer value to val


-- prints 4

-- prints 4

-- prints 4

-- prints 5

-- prints 5

-- prints -4


-- prints -5


float Sign (float val);

Returns either 1 or -1 based on the sign of 'val'

-- prints 1

-- prints -1


float Sin (float val);

Returns the sine of val

local angle = 1.04719758033752; -- converts to 60 degrees
local sine = Space.Math.Sin(angle);
-- prints 0.866025447845459

local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; -- converts to 60 degrees
local sine2 = Space.Math.Sin(angle2);
-- prints 0.866025447845459


float SmoothStep (float from, float to, float val);

Similar to Lerp but moves slowly closer to the edges ('Spherical Lerp')

-- Lua Translation of Unity C# Documentation

--[[ In this example, Space.Math.SmoothStep(min, max, time) returns values in the range [1,10] in order.
As values approach 10, the interpolation slows down. --]]

local ball = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;
local originalPos = ball.LocalPosition;
local min = 1.0;
local max = 10.0;
local duration = 5.0; --lower value to speed up; raise to slow down
local startTime;

local initStartTime = function()
  startTime = Space.Time;

-- The ball jumps to min + originalPos, then it moves towards
-- max + originalPos while slowing down at the end.
local animateBall = function()
  local time = (Space.Time - startTime) / duration;
  local newPos = Vector.New(Space.Math.SmoothStep(min, max, time)
        + originalPos.x, originalPos.y, originalPos.z);
  ball.LocalPosition = newPos;




float Sqrt (float val);

Returns the square root of val

-- prints 4

-- prints NaN


float Tan (float val);

Returns the tangent value of 'val'

local angle = 1.04719758033752; -- converts to 60 degrees
local tangent = Space.Math.Tan(angle);
-- prints 1.73205089569092

local angle2 = Space.Math.Pi/3; -- converts to 60 degrees
local tangent2 = Space.Math.Tan(angle2);
-- prints 1.73205089569092