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The SInput class returns the current state of input devices connected to the players device.


To ensure a cross-platform experience that works with Game Pads, Keyboards, Mouse and Mobile devices - as well as foreign language keyboards, we do not allow you to listen for specific keyboard keys, instead you may listen to predefined key groups which are consistent across devices. These can be used where ever a function argument is named 'key'.


  • Jump (usually spacebar)
  • Fly (usually f)
  • Run (usually left shift)
  • Submit (usually return key)
  • Cancel (usually escape)
  • Tab Horiz (usually tab key)
  • Tab Vert (gamepad only)



bool GetKeyDown (string key);

Returns true if 'key' was pressed during this frame.

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bool GetKey (string key);

Returns true if 'key' is being held pressed.

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bool GetKeyUp (string key);

Returns true if 'key' is no longer pressed during this frame (but was in the last).

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float ScrollWheel { get; }

Returns a non-0 value if the mouse wheel is being scrolled, value usually ranges from -1 to 1

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float ScrollWheel { get; }

Returns a non-0 value if the mouse wheel is being scrolled, value ranges from -1 to 1

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bool GetMouseDown (int button);

Returns true if mouse 'button' was pressed during this frame.

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bool GetMouseHold (int button);

Returns true if mouse 'button' is being held pressed.

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bool GetMouseUp (int button);

Returns true if mouse 'button' is no longer pressed during this frame (but was in the last).

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SVector MousePosition { get; }

Returns the current position of the mouse in screen pixels. If on a touch screen device, this will also return the location of the first finger being pressed.

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SVector MovementAxis { get; }

Returns left/right (A/D) movement on X, forward/back (W/S) on Y, and up/down (E/C) on Z

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