The SNetwork class is for communication needed between different clients/players. For communication between scripts and objects within a client please use Scripting/SShared.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Network functionality currently does not completely work in the Unity Editor, you'll have to upload your script to the preview/live server to see the effect. (You can tick the "Allow runtime script editing" option in the Scripting Runtime Component and it will let you edit this script live in the viewer.)
Subscribes to network messages on 'key', will fire a Scripting/SNetworkMessage whenever a matching message is received
local textValue = Space.Host.GetReference("Text");
-- This function gets used by other objects that are subscribed to the network
gotAMessage = function(arguments)
textValue.UIText.Text = "Got a message with the argument " .. arguments.Message["someArgument"];
-- This function gets used by "this" object. Plus, it sends out a message to objects on the network.
local updateTextUI = function()
textValue.UIText.Text = "Got a message with the argument Hi there!";
Space.Network.SendNetworkMessage("helloworld", {someArgument = "Hi there!"});
-- Subscribe to network. Note that "this" object doesn't execute gotAMessage.
-- Only the other objects on the network do.
Space.Network.SubscribeToNetwork("helloworld", gotAMessage);
Sends a networked message to every client with a subscriber listening on 'key'. The message itself can be a dictionary/table containing two columns and any network serializable type (string, float, int, byte, bool and arrays of those types)
This is a modified version of the example for *.Renderer.Material.SetTexture that demonstrates networking.
note that this example applies also to SubscribeToNetwork.
server = ""
obj = Space.Host.GetReference("Gino")
Space.Network.SubscribeToNetwork("smack", onSmack)
function hithere()
resrc = Space.WebServices.GetImage(server .. image) obj.Renderer.Material.SetTexture("_MainTex", resrc) Space.Network.SendNetworkMessage("smack",{'smack'})
function update()
resrc = Space.WebServices.GetImage(server .. image) obj.Renderer.Material.SetTexture("_MainTex", resrc)
function onSmack()
Sets a property named 'key' of the Shard to 'value'. Will persist until the Shard is shut down or restarted. (Use SPersistence for longer term storage)
local testMsg = "Hello";
local updateTextUI = function()
Space.Network.SetShardProperty("testKey", testMsg);
Gets a previously set key.
local textValue = Space.Host.GetReference("Text");
local retrieved;
local updateTextUI = function()
retrieved = Space.Network.GetShardProperty("testKey");
-- this method is called every frame, once "retrieved" gets a value, it displays in text
local onUpdateMethod = function()
if retrieved ~= nil then
textValue.UIText.Text = "Retrieved msg: " .. retrieved ;
Stores a key/value pair in the Regions semi-permanent memory. Will be erased when all players exit the shard, but will persist as long as the shard lives. Subject to rate limiting (12/second on the main grid and 24/second on white-label grids)
Space.Network.SetRegionProperty("testKey", "Test Value")
--this script is a networked and persistent color changing of an object --note that we put the object's GlobalID in the key to make it specific to this object thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject currentColor = nil OnClick = function() --this writes to the region properties if currentColor == Color.Blue then Space.Network.SetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .. "color", "red") else Space.Network.SetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .. "color", "blue") end end Sync = function() -- this gets from the region properties while true do local result = Space.Network.GetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .. "color") if result == "red" then currentColor = Color.Red else currentColor = Color.Blue end thisObject.Renderer.Material.SetColor("_Color", currentColor) coroutine.yield(0.1) --to make sure it doesn't run more than 12/second end end thisObject.AddClickable() thisObject.Clickable.OnClick(OnClick) Space.Host.StartCoroutine(Sync)
Retrieves the last set value for 'key' in this region. If you have just joined the region, this may not be populated immedietely.
result = Space.Network.GetRegionProperty("testKey")
--this script is a networked and persistent color changing of an object --note that we put the object's GlobalID in the key to make it specific to this object thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject currentColor = nil OnClick = function() --this writes to the region properties if currentColor == Color.Blue then Space.Network.SetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .. "color", "red") else Space.Network.SetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .. "color", "blue") end end Sync = function() -- this gets from the region properties while true do local result = Space.Network.GetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .. "color") if result == "red" then currentColor = Color.Red else currentColor = Color.Blue end thisObject.Renderer.Material.SetColor("_Color", currentColor) coroutine.yield(0.1) --to make sure it doesn't run more than 12/second end end thisObject.AddClickable() thisObject.Clickable.OnClick(OnClick) Space.Host.StartCoroutine(Sync)
Returns True upon successful connection to the Region/Shard properties' storage. Region/Shard property operations may not be ready when used during initialization and this function ill help determine readiness.
IsReady = Space.Network.HasShardProperties
--This script starts but launches a coroutine that waits for HasShardProperties before continuing DoWhatYouNeed = function(result) if property == nil or property == "" then Space.Log("connected but Shard doesn't exist") else Space.Log("connected and Shard exists. Result: " .. tostring(result)) end end InitCoroutine = function() while not Space.Network.HasShardProperties do coroutine.yield(0) end local property = Space.Network.GetRegionProperty("A Key") DoWhatYouNeed(property) end Space.Host.StartCoroutine(InitCoroutine)