The SNetwork class allows you to send messages to other users in the region, and persist/retrieve variables which have been stored within the region.
Sends a networked message to every client with a subscriber listening on 'key'. The message itself can be a dictionary/table containing two columns and any network serializable type (string, float, int, byte, bool and arrays of those types)
This is a modified version of the example for *.Renderer.Material.SetTexture that demonstrates networking.
note that this example applies also to SubscribeToNetwork.
server = ""
obj = Space.Host.GetReference("Gino")
Space.Network.SubscribeToNetwork("smack", onSmack)
function hithere()
resrc = Space.WebServices.GetImage(server .. image) obj.Renderer.Material.SetTexture("_MainTex", resrc) Space.Network.SendNetworkMessage("smack",{'smack'})
function update()
resrc = Space.WebServices.GetImage(server .. "mrlee.jpg") obj.Renderer.Material.SetTexture("_MainTex", resrc)
function onSmack()
Sets a property named 'key' of the region to 'value'. Will persist until the region is shut down or restarted. (Use SPersistence for longer term storage)
No documentation
Subscribes to network messages on 'key', will fire a Scripting/SNetworkMessage whenever a matching message is received