The SGameObject class refers a single Game Object active within the scene.
Causes this script to start listening to events on the object. Only use if you need to.
Does this object still exist in the scene (returns false if the object has been deleted via Destroy();)
Copies the object and returns a reference to the copy. Equivalent to calling Instantiate() in Unity
Returns a reference to a Light component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
Returns a reference to a Animator component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
Returns a reference to a AudioSource component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
Returns a reference to a Renderer component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
Returns a reference to a Rigidbody component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
Returns a reference to a UI.Text component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
Binds a event to the Awake() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.
Binds a event to the Start() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.
Binds a event to the OnEnable() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.
Binds a event to the OnDisable() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.
Binds a event to the OnFixedUpdate() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.
Binds a event to the OnLateUpdate() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.
Binds a event to the OnUpdate() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.
Binds a event to the OnMouseDown() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.
Is this object Active in the scene)
Gets/Sets the object onto a particular layer (0-31)
Gets this objects Tag
Gets/sets the name of this object
Gets/sets the parent GameObject of this object. Assign nil/null to set this as the root.
Gets the root of this object group - may be this object.
Returns the list of direct children of this object
NOTE: Set/Get World Position, Local Position, World Rotation, Local Rotation, Local Scale to be moved to properties from functions, thus not documented here.
Returns the forward direction vector of this game object (blue arrow)
Returns the up direction vector of this game object (green arrow)
Returns the right direction vector of this game object (red arrow)
Schedules this object for deletion at the end of the frame