The SPhysics class allows you to interact with the physics scene. See also Scripting/SRigidbody.
[] RayCast
SPhysicsHit [] RayCast
(SVector origin, SVector normal, float distance);
Raycasts from origin along normal, distance meters - and returns the list of collided objects in distance order (closest first)
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[] SphereCast
SPhysicsHit [] SphereCast
(SVector origin, float radius, float distance);
Sweeps from origin in a spherical ray 'radius' wide, and returns the list of collided objects
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[] CapsuleCast
SPhysicsHit [] CapsuleCast
(SVector origin, SVector end, float radius, float distance);
Sweeps a capsule from origin to end, radius wide and returns the list of collided objects
No example provided yet
[] BoxCast
SPhysicsHit [] BoxCast
(SVector origin, SVector halfExtents, SVector direction, SQuaternion orientation, float distance);
Sweeps a box defined by origin+halfExtents along directiojn, distance meters with a orientation matching orientation - and returns the collisions in distance order.
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