The 'Space' global accessible in every script (for C# scripts, this inherits from the SpaceScript base class)
Allows access to the users inventory
Stores information between user sessions, and for other users
Allows access to the current scene graph (objects and avatars in the scene, and other information)
Access information about the current scripting runtime host
Call physics-related commands, and variables, such as raycasting
Math related functions (Sin, Cos, Tan, etc)
Miscellaneous additional string functions (e.g. MD5Sum)
Input device related functions (mouse position, keyboard state)
Take and control the users camera
Call remote web services to designated hosts (will not work with arbitrary domains, see page for details)
Send data to other clients through the region server
Access resources embedded in the Scripting Runtime component, such as sounds, textures & so forth
The current viewer time - this will usually correlate with the number of seconds the player has been in the current scene, increments each frame, typically used for animation/tweening
The current server time - usually UTC, as according to the login server.
The current time between this frame, and the previous frame, as used in Update, LateUpdate events, if moving a object, you can multiply it by DeltaTime to get a consistent speed
Logs the message to the script debug console
Returns a resource with its name.
--Print "Texture" when it is exists.
Log a message to console.
Return current RuntimeType name.
Return current platform name.
Return the type name of the value.
Return current SessionID.
Always return false on the main grid.
Return true if in unity editor.