The Statue component is most commonly used for creating NPCs within a scene, it allows you to dress your NPC using any clothing or accessory you can own inworld; both your own virtual goods and any item you buy or are given by another creator.
Apply the script to an empty capule collider in your scene, or use the NPC template prefab in your Space Editor Pack.
NPCs are easily distinguished from real avatars inworld because they do not have hover text showing their names over their heads. However, you can still give your NPC a name in this field, that will appear in quest dialogue steps.
Player Outfit ID Log in to and click the "Outfit" menu button. Create and save the outfit you want for your NPC. You will see when you save your named outfit that a unique number is added at the end.
Enter just this number in the Player Outfit ID field.
Rendering settings
If you want to apply a material on top of the NPC you can add it here.
You can make your NPCs look like holograms or stone statues etc.
If you want store mannequins that show of a specific item, add the store ID of that item to the "Skip Material Change ID" field.
This will allow you, for instance, to create a silver mannueqin with just the sunglasses you are selling retaining their original materials.
You can get the item ID from the virtual good component attached to it; the ID will appear as soon as the item is submitted.
You can enlarge your NPC to the status of a giant towering over the scene or shrink it to a sprite. Statues (and avatars in general) will not respect Unity embedded scales on the Transform. This is to prevent them from being scaled when you have them seated on an object which is not 1,1,1.
Disable shadows / Culling distance
You can use the NPC system to deploy crowd scenes; where disabling shadows and optimising draw distance on each NPC will improve performance.
Custom animation
By default your NPC will use the standard Space idle animations.
You can override this here by adding your own animations. See here for details on importing and rigging animations for Space avatars; [1]
Random animation position
Tick this and the animation will launch at a random point in it's timeline. As above this is useful for any kind of crowd scene where you do not want multiple NPCs doing identical moves in sync on the screen.