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* [[Scripting/SNetwork]] Network
* [[Scripting/SNetwork]] Network
* [[Scripting/SResource]][] Resources
* [[Scripting/SResource]][] Resources
* float Time
* float Time ''The current viewer time - this will usually correlate with the number of seconds the player has been in the current scene, increments each frame, typically used for animation/tweening''
* DateTime ServerTime
* DateTime ServerTime ''The current server time - usually UTC, as according to the login server.''
* float DeltaTime
* float DeltaTime ''The current time between this frame, and the previous frame, as used in Update, LateUpdate events, if moving a object, you can multiply it by DeltaTime to get a consistent speed''
* void Log(string text)
* void Log(string text) ''Logs the message to the script debug console''

Revision as of 04:43, 17 January 2017

The 'Space' global accessible in every script (for C# scripts, this inherits from the SpaceScript base class)

It has the following members: