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User:The Lost Book Of Remedies Review Tab1

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As survivalists and preppers we spend a vast portion of our time The Lost Book Of Remedies making all the necessary preps that we require in the event of an emergency. We prepare our bug out vehicle with all the needed supplies, we stock our food pantry with dehydrated, canned and freeze dries foods and plenty of water in the event these critical items are not available in the local stores. All these preparations that are being made are necessary but we should never forget the preps that need to be accomplished with our skills.Learning new skills can be profitable for you now before the balloon goes up. These newly acquired traits can afford you the opportunity to make some extra money on the side. We can all use that for building up our emergency kits or supplying our bug out vehicles with nice to have items.

There are many ways in which you may acquire these new skills. The simplest and least expensive is the public library in your city. On the shelves of your library you can find instructions for learning just about any thing that may attract your fancy. Want to repair autos? No problem. Are you curious about fixing CD players and stereos? Go for it, the books are readily available at the library under electronics. Not only are there books to teach you anything that you care to learn but in many cases the library itself conducts various classes if there is a demand for them.

Another way to learn those more difficult to learn skills is by watching videos that people have posted on YouTube. Click on the search box and type in what you are interested in and you will be bombarded with dozens of videos specifically related to your search. As an example suppose you want to know how to clean a deer. Just type clean a deer in the search box and like magic many videos will appear and show you step by step how to accomplish the task you have requested.