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User:Cover The Draw Review

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It was during this decade of the 70s that Letts experienced the drama that Cover The Draw Review seems to go hand in hand with men who pilot exuberant thoroughbreds for a living. Letts suffered a severe injury to his spine in a 1974 fall that appeared career ending. Few ever return from a broken spine and there was little reason to suspect that Letts would be an exception, however, the Fates had a bizarre twist in store for him. Wearing a neck brace and standing at the betting ring, he was accidentally knocked over by a punter anxious to either get a bet on or claim his settlement. In what can only be described as a miraculous event, he was soon able to move his neck again and get back to riding. Grateful for his good fortune, Letts became a patron of Spinal Cure Australia, an organization dedicated to helping victims of spinal trauma, that he continues to support to this day.