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Self help is not simply a matter [1] of understanding one's circumstances and how they developed. It doesn't end with the visualization of a better alternative. Self help is a fundamentally psychological matter, but that doesn't mean that it occurs only on some sort of theoretical, "thought level." Genuine self help methods do involve a great deal of consideration and introspection, but they also demand a subsequent action in order to reach one's goals.

At the core of any successful self help experience, there is action.Many critics seem suspicious of self help measures because they believe they work purely based on thought. It is true that positive thinking techniques and other thought-based strategies are popular means to self-fulfillment. However, even these entirely "mental" processes require concrete action in terms of directed thinking. Every episode of self help centers upon taking actions.

That is also why so many efforts at self improvement fail. Before we can take action, in most cases, we have to develop a clear understanding of who we are and why we behave in certain ways. That deeply introspective process can leave many people overwhelmed or "burnt out" in a hurry.There is also the problem of habit. By and large, our limitations as individuals are the byproduct of bad behavioral habits developed over time. One of the most common problems is the habit of procrastination and other "lazy" tendencies. Even the most well-intended self help practitioners can find themselves in a difficult situation early in their journey. They have to get over the "habit hump" in order to take action. Their natural inclination to avoid that kind of effort can be a barrier to success.
