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User:4-week Manifestation

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Consider an action 4-week Manifestation plan to deal with the worst case scenario. Realize what you can lose by staying paralyzed by fear. Let go of outcomes. Stay open to any possibility. If life takes you left instead of right, let it. Go with what life gives you. It might be more fun. A good idea, to be fearless, is to return to that mind you possessed as a child, so you can open to new experiences instead of being closed minded. Let us imagine for a day that you do not know anything, that what you believe could be completely false and learn. Remember that everybody who has ever done something great failed over and over before succeeding. To be fearless requires a growth mindset. Nothing remains the same forever. You can change. The tips, time, actions, as well as an open mind, will help you become bolder and be more successful.