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Matters related to public cord blood banking get further 3 Step Stamina complicated by the collected sample quality. There are situations when most samples have to be cancelled owing to the insufficiency of stem cells. Sometimes parents are not made aware of the fact that every sample might not be used. Also, parents should be made aware, that just by storing blood of umbilical cord doesn't mean parents have locked the "treatment" for their child, siblings, family members or even themselves. So, when parents show interest in public banking these aspects should be addressed to provide a practical perspective.

With private cord blood banking parents have the scope to store their child's blood from umbilical cord for their own use or be used by a family member. In simple words, the family has complete "ownership" of the cord blood unit and has the power to arrive at making important decisions on how to use it. However, what seems to be a challenge here is the cost of private cord blood banking. The initial collection and the annual storage charges is an expensive amount. But the aspect of ownership is what makes most parents say yes to private banking of stem cells.

Families that are about to welcome a new born baby often gets flooded with endless suggestions and questions. It circles everything from fixing the best baby name to the best baby diet, to keep the new born healthy and fit. And today, parents-to be are faced with yet another crucial question, i.e. whether or not to stone the baby's cord blood cell.