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The SNetwork class allows you to send messages to other users in the region, and persist/retrieve variables which have been stored within the region.
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{{ScriptFunction|void|SendNetworkMessage|(string key, IDictionary<object,object>);|Sends a networked message to every client with a subscriber listening on 'key'. The message itself can be a dictionary/table containing two columns and any network serializable type (string, float, int, byte, bool and arrays of those types)<br><br>
This is a modified version of the example for *.Renderer.Material.SetTexture that demonstrates networking.<br><br>note that this example applies also to SubscribeToNetwork.|5 = image = "mrlee.jpg"
server = ""<br>
obj = Space.Host.GetReference("Gino")
Space.Network.SubscribeToNetwork("smack", onSmack)
function hithere()
  resrc = Space.WebServices.GetImage(server .. image)
  obj.Renderer.Material.SetTexture("_MainTex", resrc)
function update()
  resrc = Space.WebServices.GetImage(server .. "mrlee.jpg")
  obj.Renderer.Material.SetTexture("_MainTex", resrc)
function onSmack()
{{ScriptFunction|void|SetShardProperty|(string key, string value);|Sets a property named 'key' of the region to 'value'. Will persist until the region is shut down or restarted. (Use SPersistence for longer term storage)|5=local scriptedObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
local testMsg = "Hello";<br>
local updateTextUI = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Space.Network.SetShardProperty</b>("testKey", testMsg);<br>
<i>-- Once this object is clicked, it will create a shard property with the key "testKey" and give it the value of "Hello".</i>}}
{{ScriptFunction|string|GetShardProperty|(string key);|Gets a previously set key.|5=local scriptedObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
local textValue = Space.Host.GetReference("Text");<br>
local retrieved;<br><br>
local updateTextUI = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;retrieved = <b>Space.Network.GetShardProperty</b>("testKey");<br>
<i>-- this method is called every frame, once "retrieved" gets a value, it displays in text</i><br>
local onUpdateMethod = function()<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;updateTextUI();<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;if retrieved ~= nil then <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;textValue.UIText.Text = "Retrieved msg: " .. retrieved ;<br>
<i>-- "Text" used with GetReference is a UItext canvas object used to display the test text inworld. After you add UI > Text to your scene, drag the text object to the Object References section in your script.</i>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|SubscribeToNetwork|(string key, Action<SNetworkMessage> callback);|Subscribes to network messages on 'key', will fire a [[Scripting/SNetworkMessage]] whenever a matching message is received|5=local scriptedObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>local textValue = Space.Host.GetReference("Text");<br>scriptedObject.SubscribeToEvents();<br><br><i>-- This function gets used by other objects that are subscribed to the network</i><br>gotAMessage = function(arguments)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;textValue.UIText.Text = "Got a message with the argument " .. arguments.Message["someArgument"];<br>end<br><br><i>-- This function gets used by "this" object. Plus, it sends out a message to objects on the network.</i><br>local updateTextUI = function()<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;textValue.UIText.Text = "Got a message with the argument Hi there!";<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;Space.Network.SendNetworkMessage("helloworld", {someArgument = "Hi there!"});<br>end<br><br><i>-- Subscribe to network. Note that "this" object doesn't execute gotAMessage.<br>-- Only the other objects on the network do.</i><br><b>Space.Network.SubscribeToNetwork</b>("helloworld", gotAMessage);<br><br>local onUpdateMethod = function()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; updateTextUI();<br>end<br><br>scriptedObject.OnMouseDown(onUpdateMethod);<br><br><i>-- "Text" used with GetReference is a UItext canvas object used to display the test text inworld. After you add UI > Text to your scene, drag the text object to the Object References section in your script.</i>}}
{{Scripting Navbox}}

Latest revision as of 07:01, 19 September 2022

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