Sinespace allows for creators to embed Youtube videos onto objects they create in Unity with The Editor Pack.
The Embedded Video (Script) component allows for the creator to embed Youtube and other video content into Unity Materials.
To successfully work with the Embedded Video (Script) component in sinespace you will need to have the following components added to your object
For this walk through, I am using a standard cube prefab.
• Video Player
• Audio Source
• Embedded Video (Script)
• A New Material
• Virtual Good
• Room Furniture
Note:These are not necessary if you are adding the video player to an existing region
Select the preferences you desire
Render mode: Material Override
Material Property: _MainTex
Basically, leave as is or configure to your own preferences
Auto Play: Select if you desire, otherwise it will play on click, but be sure to make the Box Collider a trigger
URL: Enter the URL of the video you wish to play
Create a new blank Material and add it to the object
Attach the Material to the Mesh Renderer component
Attach the Material to the Embedded Material component under Target Material
Select the preferences you desire here
For this example, we’re using the Furniture/TV category
Complete the rest of the Virtual Good component in preparation for upload
Select the furniture preferences you desire
Please note: You can theoretically attach video playback to any object type you wish
Convert your object to a Prefab and prepare it for uploaded into sinespace
You can now upload your Embedded Video object, be sure to test it in the preview environment