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User:Get started

Revision as of 03:03, 28 July 2016 by Sinewave (Talk | contribs)

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Before you get started

The Space platform is a highly customisable virtual world, built upon the Unity3D game engine. We provide you with the leading edge tools for building your content - and making it look the best it possibly can, while maintaining solid performance.

Content Submission

We utilise a reviewed content model for virtual goods, trusted content creators are able to apply to skip review queues, after demonstrating a consistent commitment to our platform content guidelines; however we provide a test server, which allows you to preview your content in a live environment, without review.

Why do we review content before publishing? There are several reasons we review content uploaded by creators, among others:

  • Legal: We're responsible for redistributing your content to a wider audience, and wish to try ensure that inappropriate content is not seen by minors.
  • Content Piracy: By reviewing content prior to publication, we can limit the amount of stolen content that is uploaded onto the platform.
  • Technical: By reviewing content, we can enforce technical guidelines and prevent 'tragedy of the commons' situations with poorly optimised content ruining the framerate of all users.


To become a Space creator you need to;

1. Register at

2. Log in to the creator portal;

3. Download and install the Unity3D game engine;

4. Download and import the Space Editor Pack;

The Space virtual world has a live server;

This is where the Space community comes together. The live server has a real economy and is widely promoted to new users.

Space also has a preview server, where creator content can be reviewed before pushing to the live servers;

Creator portal

The creator portal allows creators to buy regions in Space and to manage their income from the sale of virtual goods;


Creators can use the Unity3D game engine to upload their work; regions, clothing, gestures and numerous other types of virtual goods.

Unity is a powerful game engine that allows creators to build regions and virtual goods to the same quality standard as contemporary AAA game titles.

Space Editor Pack

The Space Editor Pack must be imported into Unity3D.

This will link the Unity project on the creator's desktop to their Space account. And it provides a wide range of tools to enable creators to build, productise and publish, share and sell their work.