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Chest and shoulder wrinkles appear just as fast as facial wrinkles. Zeta White That is because these parts of your body are usually exposed to the sun. The UVA and UVB rays of the sun stress out collagen fibers.Collagen is the primary dermis component that gives the skin its firm and strong structure. Without a healthy supply of collagen, the skin loses its original shape. Wrinkles and fine lines show up.Most people also do not know how to take care of their chest and shoulders. This is the best time to correct this. Use the following tips to promote young looking skin.

Sleep on your back.Avoid sleeping on your stomach or on your side. Sleeping on your side can compress the middle part of your chest. This will eventually weaken the collagen fibers in it and will lead to the appearance of chest wrinkles.You can also try wearing chest or shoulder pads when you sleep. The pads can prevent your skin from being compressed.

Protect your dermis from the sun.Since these parts of your body are usually exposed to the sun, you should apply sun block to those areas. Use a product that can deflect both UVA and UVB rays. It is easy to make mistakes when buying sun block. There are products that can only protect you from UVB rays. In between UVA and UVB rays, the former can actually damage collagen fibers more.