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User:Zeta Clear Review

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Heel pain may be caused, by a minor accident, during the daily activity. Zeta Clear Stepping on a stone or a solid or putting too much pressure on it will cause bruising of the heel pad and immediate pain. The pain may linger. The best way of getting over the pain is to rest the affected foot and use some heeling balm on the bruise. Walking on tip toe is an option if movement cannot be avoided.

Another reason for the pain is the Achilles tendon getting over used. It gets inflamed, causing the pain at the back of the heel. Stretching exercises are recommended. Inserts in the shoe are also possibly effective in reducing the heel pain. Wearing shoes, open at the rear will reduce any pain coming on the back of the heel. Resting the feet is good but may not be possible for active people.

Heel pain may also be caused due to some unnatural functioning of the parts of the leg and foot. Stiffness of the calf muscles and excessive arch in the foot, without adequate support also cause pain. Standing too long, obesity, sudden increase in physical activity and shoes with very high heels are also contributing factors.

Treatment for heel pain apart from rest and other things involves medication which is usually a pain killer. Recent research has found some stretching exercises to ease the pain considerably. Whatever may be the treatment you may take, the fact remains that pain in the heels cannot be ignored. Otherwise serious other conditions may develop. Surgery is not usually necessary. That is the best news one can have.
