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Winter vegetables? There are many winter vegetables that we don't make Z Code System use of. Eating seasonally can open whole new worlds of foods! Instead of limiting the diversity of the foods you eat, seasonal eating expands it. Some nutrient-rich winter plant foods include garlic and onions, parsnips and sweet potatoes, kale, mustard greens, Swiss chard and turnips.Michael Pollan tells us that there are 80,000 edible species of plant foods known. 3000 have been in common use, but today, just four industrially-grown crops account for two-thirds of the caloric intake of humans across the globe: corn, rice, soy and wheat.

Humans are omnivores, Pollan points out. We need between 50 and 100 different chemical compounds to remain healthy.Before mega-farms, California alone used to produce 1,186 varieties of produce. Today, farms focus on 350.Ecologists consider seasons a source of natural diversity. The changes that occur through the seasons are necessary for the balancing of earth's resources and all of the life forms that imbibe them.Guides for Eating Seasonally So how do you eat seasonally? Seasons vary in different parts of the world and even in different regions in the same country but there is both specific and general guidance available.

All plants go through a similar life cycle: sprouting, leafing, flowering, fruiting and then stockpiling sugars into the roots. Leafy greens are best in the spring. The broccoli "flower" and tomato "fruit" is best in summer. Pumpkin and other root vegetables contain large amounts of stored nutrients for fall and winter.To have a weight loss system work for you it has to be a system you can stick with. With all the weight loss diet plans out there it's sometimes difficult to find the right one. I have some tips for plans you should probably shy away from.Stay away from fad diets. The grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet. How long do you think you can keep those up? And how good for your body do you think it is to eat so much of one food? Not to mention how boring for you to be eating the same thing over and over. The first thing you'll want to do after stopping one of those diets is to rush out to McDonalds and grab a Big Mac!