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User:Trouble Spot Training Review 2

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Pack Light And Wisely While travelling it's Trouble Spot Training important to travel light and pack ONLY the most essential things otherwise you will have to spend most of the time worrying for your baggage other than enjoying your stay. In recent years major technological advances have been made to the point that personal training services can be delivered effectively and successfully online. Whilst traditional '1 to 1' training still has it's place, online will soon be the 'go to' solution for most busy people. If you compare the cost of traditional '1 to 1' training to online training the difference is undeniable. Often a Gym based personal trainer will charge more for a one hour session than they would for a full month's training online. How is it possible for the online trainer to make a living you may ask? The answer is two fold. Firstly the online trainer has no fixed overheads such as travel costs, and gym fees (gym's take a large percentage of all gym based PT's income, thus they have to charge the client more). Secondly, a well organised and efficient online PT can significantly reduce wasted 'downtime' via high level semi automated systems, meaning their time can be spent only on what matters - the client. In turn, the cost saving can be passed onto the client giving a 'win / win' situation.

When choosing a PT you are usually limited to the trainer at your gym who is available. With online personal training you get to pick the best trainer for your needs, whether they live next door or across the ocean. Online personal training is a competitive market, thus as a customer you stand to benefit from the competition that will drive online trainers to constantly improve the service they offer. Every year online fitness courses get better, offering the client new and inventive ways to enjoyable improve their health and fitness. Time and location are not relevant When using an online fitness trainer you have complete control and freedom over your routine. You can workout at any time, night or day, as long as the work gets done. You can also workout anywhere, whether that be in a gym, at home, in a park or in your office. Your PT is there to work for you and with you, thus will develop a plan that works for you. Online training allows you to have your workout schedule, diet plan and motivation right in the palm of you hand on your mobile phone app.This is often not taken advantage of when training with a trainer face-to-face. Continuous assessment and accountability have a large role to play in any training plan and good online training can provide this. You would also receive access to thorough exercise tutorials and videos on the correct way to be performing exercises - which can be performed and perfected without pressure and unwanted attention.