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User:The Lost Book Of Remedies

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It looks like The Lost Book Of Remedies Review we could even double the number of 'quakes in all of the magnitudes by the end of the year. Now, are you beginning to get a little scared? After a major earthquake, magnitude 7 and above, the amount of casualties and property damage is always horrifying. We all saw what happened in Chile early in the year and in Haiti just a little while ago. Because of the breakdown in communications, transportation, and basic human services there is total chaos everywhere. So many people without water and food and without any aid for days if not weeks will naturally resort to anything to survive. Looting and robbing for food and water is common place sometimes even by the local officials. Maybe that should be especially by local officials! After the disaster the survivors have to not only deal with thirst and starvation but because of the lack of potable water, the staggering amount of corpses in all stages of putrefaction, and lack of sanitation facilities, sickness and disease starts to run rampant through the remaining population.

We have all seen this on the T.V. and the videos on YouTube and everywhere else, so I'm not going to include them here. But just think for a moment, if the 'quakes are occurring more frequently and with more intensity, when will they start affecting you, personally?