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This verse shows us that in the bible there was Success Mastery Academy Review some laws, enlightenment and the guidance for the people who have the fear of Allah in their heart. And his verse also indicates the event. As we all know in the era of Hazrat Isa many Prophet was sent down one after another and the people used to kill them straight away. So, he sent Hazrat Isa a baby has no father. So, the people started hearing him.These are some things why Hazrat Adam (A.S) is Famous for. He is the only one whom Allah gave the knowledge how to harvest, plant, and bake as well, the first to be told how to repent and how to properly bury someone, Allah also revealed the food restrictions and the Alphabets to Hazrat Adam, and he was given 21 scrolls and he was able to write them by himself. So, book your package such as Umrah Packages Ramadan 2018 with Flights to see the places where Hazrat Adam (A.S) spent his days and nights.

Adam is created from the Earth, for the soil of the earth. It has been reported in the Hadiths that the people of various races of the people are due to the different type of the soil used in the creation of Hazrat Adam. There are many verses about the Hazrat Adam (A.S) in the Quran some of them are as follow with some little description of them.We said; 'O Adam and his wife eat anything from this garden but not eat anything from that tree that is the tree of harm.This verse of Holy Quran tells us about that event when Allah said Hazrat Adam (A.S) not to eat anything from the one tree of heavens but he did by hearing the Satan, and he was then sent down to the earth as he disobeys Allah Almighty. On another place, Quran says about Hazrat Adam (A.S) that,Then learned Adam for his Lord the words and then his lord turns towards him as he returns to him, Most Merciful this verse tells us about the event when Hazrat Adam (A.S) was thrown out of the heavens to the earth and then he asks Allah for his forgiveness and then Allah return to him and make him learn the things how to survive and tell him about the alphabets.where they meet.