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User:Raspberry Ketone Plus Review 1

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There are so many yummy carbs Raspberry Ketone Plus out there that most of us eat more than we need. Our diets these days contain about 300 more calories than they did in the 1970's according to the CDC in Atlanta and most of them are processed foods. A study in the American Journal of Epedemiology shows that eating processed carbohydrates leads to potential weight gain, while the consumption of total carbs does not. So eat the good ones and slim down. Healthy fats are also the foundation of a good diet. They help the body absorb all those phytonutrients and fat-soluble vitamins from all that rabbit food you'll be eating. Raw almonds are one of the best sources of healthy fats along with avocados, organic cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil. Healthy fats are filling because it takes longer for them to leave the stomach. When combined in a food, like avocado or almonds, you feel fuller longer as the stomach is where most people feel hungry when it is empty. Surprisingly, in the International Journal of Obesity, people on a 35 percent healthy fat, low calorie diet, lost an average of 9 pounds over 18 months, versus a 6 pound weight gain on a lower fat diet. Just like carbs, eating the right balance of fats is important, especially if you are active. Good fats help reduce inflammation and circulatory problems. They also keep your brain healthy and research is showing that the good fats help reduce cancer risk.

Lean protein is the third and final healthy food group. Lean proteins include fish, vegetable proteins, some chicken, some turkey, nuts and soy products. Protein contains amino acids, which is actually what our bodies require to rebuild and maintain our bodies. There are twenty different amino acids, nine of which our bodies cannot produce. Protein, as a food, is much more satisfying in giving you that full feeling than carbohydrates or fats. Scientists show that eating protein stimulates and enhances the effect of leptin levels in the body. Leptin is a hormone that helps the body register and perceive fullness. If you eat less animal protein than most people you can still get hefty doses of amino acids from protein rich vegetables such as spinach, soybeans, peas, Brussels sprouts, beans, legumes, quinoa, asparagus, broccoli, watercress, yams, tomatoes, sweet corn, green onions, okra, mushrooms, zucchini and cauliflower. Keep in mind though, not all protein rich vegetables have all of the amino acids you may need for health. For example, grains have a low lysine content while legumes have a low methionine content. By varying your diet during the day every day, you have the best chance to get all of the amino acids your body needs for repair and renewal, especially when you are losing fat. After all, if you are going to see a new thinner you, eating the right foods will ensure you are even healthier now and in the future.