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User:Profit Genesis 2.0 Review 1

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Avoid building a great product for the wrong audience. The product Profit Genesis 2.0 you create may have the ability to deliver massive value to your potential clients, but if they are not willing to take the step of purchasing it in order to get those results then your creation is worthless. Communicating with your potential clients through Ezine messages, webinars, teleseminars and other methods will allow you to take note of their interest level, motivation and true needs and wants so that you can make sure to develop a continuity program that they will jump all over.Ready to sign up subscribers as soon as your program is ready. If you are starting from square one, with a brand new niche and you begin by marketing and building a seed list and then start creating your business continuity program, then by the time your program is complete you will have a group of qualified prospects to sell to.

Your leads have grown to rely on you as a trusted expert.It's entirely possible to find a lead who has never heard of you and convert them to a client in one day, but it is far easier to earn a client when they are already familiar with your work, trust that the quality is high and are accustom to relying on you for information already.You get a bigger bang for your buck after your marketing has been going for a while. All marketing has a tendency to be more effective after it has had some time to make several contacts with the potential client, and what I like to call "sweat equity" marketing, that relies on social networking to spread is even more time sensitive. If you want to introduce your new product when you have the highest number of new leads coming to you then you are better off to wait until your marketing efforts have had time to work.

Far less likely to have to start over from the beginning because you made a simple mistake. If you have existing clients or qualified prospects to communicate with you can share samples of your work and use the feedback to avoid doing work that will have to be changed later.You will have a better idea of which marketing methods you will be using long-term. Starting your marketing early gives you the opportunity to see if it is going to work as well as you have anticipated. It may be better or you may also discover that it will require more time and/or money than you anticipated or even that you would prefer to use a different method entirely. The sooner you know for sure the better off you will be.