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Social bookmarking is one of the key developments to have Pips Wizard Pro taken place as the web has become more interactive and there is an increased focus on sharing of information. Social bookmarking websites allow you to search, store, organize and share your favorite webpages with other users, and help you discover interesting content bookmarked by them. Many people also now use social bookmarking for online internet marketing of Forex websites.

Although the concept was introduced way back in 1996 with the creation of itList, modern social bookmarking websites like, Delicious and have taken it to a new height. The idea is quite straightforward. As users bookmark new webpages and other users vote on these bookmarks, the most popular content rises to the top, thus helping people discover what is currently 'hot' on the web. As you may have guessed, social bookmarking presents a great opportunity to webmasters seeking to increase the traffic to their Forex sites - a simple yet effective way for online internet marketing. By bookmarking your webpages, you are effectively advertising them, and if your page is voted on by many users, you can expect a huge amount of traffic from the bookmark site.