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The challenge is to get the subject to break a pattern Memory Hack Review to which they are accustomed and have consistently demonstrated mastery. As I frequently point out, one of the two most essential characteristics of any pattern is resistance to change. The greatest challenge for the clinician is not only to address the pattern resistance associated with the presenting problem. They must also counter the resistance represented by life-long negativity. (The other essential pattern characteristic is adaptation when resistance becomes futile.)

A mistake that is commonly made by clinicians is that they also excessively and harmfully focus on their client or patient's obsessive negativity. Of course, showing compassion, empathy, and understanding is appropriate. However, staying in their negativity land does not do anything but reinforce the problem. That behavior does nothing but feed their weeds. Their subjects feel that resolving problems require focusing on them. If they succeed in sucking their clinician into this black hole of despair, their condition will never improve. So, what is the answer?

The solution can be found in Hebb's use it or lose it concept. If focusing on the problem reinforces it, the only way to get it to go away is to let it wither from disuse - or a lack of focus. The best way to do this is to build up an alternate pattern. By creating an alternate reality in the mind of the patient, the associated neural pathways are created and reinforced.

Of course, the brain's pattern resistance mechanism - which I believe to be embedded in the left prefrontal cortex - will fight this transformative effort. This is where hypnosis comes in, as the first characteristic of that process is to mitigate inertia. As the alternative - hopefully positive - pattern is installed during the hypnotic process, transformation is accelerated. I call this the "substitution effect." By creating a strong positive set of thought patterns, provided that alternative is sufficiently powerful - which I call antithetical -- the negative resistive patterns should naturally succumb to the need to transform.