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User:Maximum Productivity

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This occurred to me over the course of the Maximum Productivity Review past few months as several situations have presented themselves that required commitment - and even though I've been able to discern what was right for me and what wasn't and then make great decisions, I still felt that hesitation...the shortness of breath, the mental clenching, the 3 year old in my head saying, "Do we HAVE to? We have to do this for how long??? What if we want to do somethin' else?" I attribute my commitment issues to a need for variety and to my disdain for monotony and feeling "boxed in". Do you ever feel this way? I need to always feel that I have a choice. I love feeling freedom and always knowing that my consistent, stable behavior is a choice and that like a bird, I could fly away at any given moment. Power lies in our ability to choose.Often times, we don't really have a problem with the idea of being in things for the long haul - after all, most of us realize that many of the things we want most in life require focus, discipline, and commitment. I decided to explore this seeming contradiction because I've discovered that many people feel this way - they want to achieve great things, but the idea of being "stuck" is enough to make them jump off of a bridge - myself included. However, these same people are often extremely committed to a handful of things in their lives. I wondered if the issue was them not understanding the benefit of the prospective commitment versus the current commitment, but then something occurred to me...People who are able to succeed at being committed to other people and things are typically those who are committed to themselves first. That's an interesting thought, right? Let's unpack it.What is required of you to commit to yourself? I mean, to really commit to yourself. That would mean taking yourself seriously - thinking critically about where you are in your life, where you want to go, and what you plan to do about it. Then you would have to do something about it, starting today. It would require that you love yourself with reckless abandon and be hopelessly devoted to your growth and success on every level. Scary, huh?Committing to yourself may be scary, unnerving, and uncomfortable at first. If you're not sure what you're committing to then simply commit to finding out. People always say, "Be yourself"...but what if you're not sure who you are or who you want to become? What if you're still exploring all the complexities that comprise you? What if the future vision of you is fuzzy? You are entitled to the process of discovery. That process should be safe for you - free of judgment and stumbling blocks. After commitment, the best things you can have are an open mind, a pen and a pad for journaling, and people who love and support your evolution. The people are important because self-actualized, happy, successful people can be an invaluable asset in your personal growth and development. You'll want spiritually grounded people in your corner who can pray for you, encourage you, and cheer you on. There is power in having people in your life who believe in you!