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User:Lottery Cash Software Review Book

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Although most gambling strategies designed for Lottery Cash Software Review games of chance are mathematically unsound, in practice if one has roughly a 50% chance of winning, these systems can at least appear to offer an effective means of betting. In the long run, the failure of such systems is more or less inevitable because it is based upon the Gambler's Fallacy. Gambler's Fallacy is the mistaken impression that particular results are "due" based on previous outcomes in a series of independent trials of a random process. For example, the if one is tossing coins, and heads come up repeatedly, the gambler may conclude that this means tails is "due" to come up next; whereas, in reality, the chances that the next coin toss will result in tails is exactly the same regardless of the number of times heads has come up already.

In skill-based wagering, the bettor with the most knowledge of the contestants involved has a definite advantage over the bettor that is hoping that the desired outcome "is due" based on probabilities. There is no sound mathematical probability that any specific football team "is due" anything. Just think of Arsenal that won 14 consecutive games in 2002, or Derby County F.C. that lost 37 consecutive games in 2007-08. The determining factor for these runs was the skill of the teams, not random chance.