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Having a purpose in life brings success, meaningHypnosis Live Review and focus to your goal. Making money can be a goal but it is not a purpose. Money itself can never bring you happiness, if that is what you want. It is of course what you do with the money that is the true purpose. Your purpose can be to build a hospital or a school, or it can be to become a speaker. To do those things you need money.

If you are not passionate about something, if you do not have a purpose, it is not likely that you will stay on course when the winds starts blowing harder and the waves get rougher. Purpose is something bigger than you. It is what gets you out of bed in the morning no matter what. It is what keeps you going even if you feel miserable, depressed and worthless. Purpose is divine energy (call it God or Higher Calling) flowing throw you. When you find your life purpose your body, mind and spirit are aligned, in synchronicity, and there is no struggling against the current.

If you are determined to achieve a set goal, no potholes or bottlenecks can stop you. All you have to do is to find ways to overcome them. Disillusionment or discouragement should never enter even in the subconscious mind. And, when they are forced on you, use all your positive affirmations and get rejuvenated. After all 'Success is nothing but getting up one more time after you fall I was asked recently by a leader in education what 3 things I'd teach teenagers for Leadership and Success in Life.

This is an absolutely great question and goes to the heart of what I'm passionate about - leadership and success in their broadest context i.e. leading the life you want - a successful life that makes you feel happy and fulfilled. It's also about developing successful leaders for the future - people who will be good at leading themselves as well as others.