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Each day, we're faced with missiles of business and Hypnosis Live Review life that are being shot at us as we execute our missions. How will you deal with them? Will you take action, or shirk away in fear? Do you have the foundation of training, preparation and mental focus necessary to face those missiles with courage and confidence? Winners work hard and plant seeds of success long before the enemy strikes. That's why WIN stands for Work it Now!I recently received and e-mail from a friend who works in real estate (she is a very successful time share salesperson). She wrote, "Waldo, I sure could use a sale (and some motivation from you) right now. I know I'll get over this slump, but business is terrible!"Yes - business is bad all over. Look at the economy and it's quite clear that these are tough times. It's a huge missile and it's pointing at us all.How we deal with this missile will ultimately determine whether or not we'll defeat it. For it's the tough times that determine the true character of a winner. If you want to test the character of an individual in business, see how they act when the sales are down, when they're having bad month, or when the competition is taking away their business.Flight plan your day - Get up earlier, schedule your action items, reduce or eliminate your TV time, take a course on sales. Get focused on the preparation fundamentals that lead to business successSurround yourself with positive, successful wingmen - eliminate the Naysayers and attract the "Yaysayers." These are your comrades of confidence who will lend you their wings to fly, but who will also hold you accountable for your actions. Be a WingGiver - Help others. Remember, there are folks like you who are struggling (personally and financially). Find a way to help ease their suffering with your skill, connections, and compassion