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Here is my favorite quote by Goethe "Whatever Hypnosis Live Review you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it". What I like about this quote is that there are no built in limitations, the focus is on BEGIN IT. So often we limit ourselves by saying I am too old, this is not the right time, should have done it earlier etc. If we BEGIN IT or not has a lot to do with our mindset.I have been fascinated by the research that has been done on the value of having a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset believe that their intelligence, talents and character are the starting point. These qualities can be developed by applying effort, persistence and a joy for learning. Thus your growth mindset gives you a starting point upon which you can build. You don't know what your true potential is, instead life becomes an opportunity to discover your potential.

With such a view of yourself set-backs and failures become opportunities for learning. You are no longer letting them define you, instead you trust who you are and believe that flexibility and change are part of life.Growth in life is all about making changes. It is built on what we say to ourselves and what kind of action we take. A growth mindset is the foundation for self improvement and for building meaningful relationshipsLittle did I know that participating on my high school football and track and field teams would transition into business success, but it did. Having been kicked out of my house by my father because I decided to play football for my high school team, I realized I had to be great, not just good.