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But even though everyone has unique gifts inside, just waiting [1] for the appropriate conditions to shine, some people along the way have been taught to compromise dreams and conform to "reality." Reality is not hard and static-it's ever changing. The seemingly impossible is absolutely possible with the right concoction of creativity, innovation, heart, clarity of vision and commitment. When you follow your inner guidance and allow your passion and imagination to flow uncensored, you will be led to find your purpose and fulfill your mission.

Sincerely ask the question, "Who am I?" Who are you at your core? What is most important to you in life? What is essential? Throughout your life, what have been the innate elements that inspire and drive you - beyond jobs, beliefs, relationships, the past, or any stories or identities that you may have had? Who are you in your essence? What makes you unique? What ignites your passion? In what way do you reveal your gifts? Your purpose will emanate from your sense of self. It resides within you.

Your purpose is your unique offering. It is your reason for being. It is the source fueling your vision. Your purpose answers the question, "Why am I here?" It is your North Star - the bright light, which guides and directs you as you adventure through life. When you make conscious choices grounded in your essence, you reveal and refine your purpose.

Ask yourself, "What do I stand for at my best?" Ask, "What is my unique contribution in the world?" Look to your past for clues: if you string together the defining moments of your life, they will often point to a theme or a definite calling. Follow that thread. You may discover your purpose at a young age, or it may come to you in a moment of satori (instant awakening), or your purpose may continually evolve as you do.
