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User:FloraSpring Review Tab2

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Skip the extra large triple shot super mocha next time you're at a café. These FloraSpring types of beverages usually carry several hundred calories per serving with whole milk, whipped cream and sugar (even if you don't add sugar, most flavour syrups are loaded with it). Switch to a regular cup of coffee - it has a sliver of those calories. Studies are still being conducted to show the health benefits of drinking a cup of plain coffee every day - and you'll be saving money too!

Pare down your alcohol consumption. Even a light beer can contain over 100 calories per serving. Plus, your body sees it as poison, and stops what it's doing in order to get rid of it. This means that anything you eat while drinking might not be processed normally, and will probably end up as fat. Alcohol lowers testosterone levels, and can even prevent a deep, restful sleep - which is when the body produces growth hormones that tell your body to use fat for energy rather than store it. If you want to discreetly slow down your alcohol consumption, start with a glass of water (with a lemon or lime on the rim), then alternate water with alcoholic beverages for the rest of the night.

Change your eating habits:Downsize your dinner servings. Studies have shown that the less food put in front of you, the less you'll eat. The same goes for the opposite - people will generally try to eat what's in front of them, a by-product of a childhood hearing "finish what's on your plate." If you're ordering a sub, get the 6-inch version. Order the lunch-sized portion of a restaurant meal, or have the server place half the meal into a takeout container for you before it even comes out of the kitchen.