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If a bookmaker was charging 5% and a horse player was 15% better than the crowd, he Cover The Draw Review could make 10%. Now, if a player is 15% better than the crowd, he'll be lucky to break even with the average win takeout well above 15% in many areas. You also have to figure in breakage and when you do, goodbye profit and hello poverty. So just what is that equation that will turn you into a profitable horse player? It is probability and odds. In other words, how likely the horse is to win against what it will pay when it does. Simply put, you are betting situations, not horses. You look for situations that have historically produced winners at a certain rate and then look for horses in that situation that are at odds that offset the cost of the bet.

If a horse in a certain situation, things you've noted in the form, will win half the time, then you need odds of better than even money to make a profit. If you spend a base bet of $2 on 10 races, you've invested $20. If your horse wins 5 times and pays more than $4 each time, you've made over $20. It sounds deceptively easy, but horse players spend hours, days, months and sometimes even years trying to identify those situations.