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User:Court Side Profits Review BOOK

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It is extremely hard to quit betting. No one can ever guarantee they will not bet Court Side Profits Review again after quitting it. One of the most important point in quitting betting is to accept the fact that you really like betting. You won't be happy without betting and you'll only feel sad after quitting it. If this is so, why make your life so hard when you can bet happily?

If you do use Kelly - it is essential to take profits on any large "spike" in the bankroll. This will help the above mentioned volatility issue. That way when the inevitable losing streak comes - good profits will have already been withdrawn from the bankroll.

Older handicapping wisdom has said never bet more than 2-5 percent of your bankroll on any one wager - no matter what your perceived advantage. The astute player with a real advantage might push those parameters out a little - but not too much!