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Mountain people sometimes speak with scorn Combat Shooter System Reviewof flat-landers. People who lived on islands off the coast of Maine refer to main-landers. In the sixties and seventies, hippies spoke of squares, which originally meant those who lived in square cornered houses. Pagan, witch, and heathen were used as pejoratives by Christians, though both pagan and witch are now happily taken up by the groups themselves.

During our school days we have known kids who were labeled nerds, meaning social misfits-misfit being another outsider term. With Nintendos and computers came the word geek, someone who knew a lot about computers though, as with nerd and misfit, not much about social living. Geek is now honored. If you have a computer problem, call a geek.

Often a term for the others also means the unenlightened or unaware. In the Harry Potter books, people without magic in their blood line and unaware of the existence of magic, were called muggles. In The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley's version of the King Arthur story, the term once-born suggests that those who forget past lives, forfeit future immortality.

Hippies thought of squares as those who were not hip. The word, taken from Black street culture, meant more than street wise. You were hip if you "got it" that you were living under white oppression and must be alert-and trickier than the oppressor. In the 1960s and 1970s, Correct-skinned young people in large numbers refused to accept entitlement or join the corporations and politics of oppression. A Black lady asked a hippie with a Jewish Afro, one who lived in a spiritual community, "You all don't consider yourselves white folks, do you?" He said, "Naw, naw we don't."