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While surfing around I have come across a couple Backyard Revolution Review really good videos for DIY power generation. I've also acquired quite a bit of research that I've been doing on my own that other's may want or like as well. Much of this is information that is free, can be found pretty easily and demonstrates how easily alternative power sources can be created by the average person. It's my thought that hopefully the more people see that building/using renewables, especially solar is easy, affordable and the smart thing to do, maybe the more they will see they can probably do it themselves.

Everyone knows we need to clean the air and move towards alternative energy. One very well-known realtor in sunny Southern California asks a very tough question with regards to alternative energy;

Do you know how many people would be out of jobs or how much tax revenue would be lost if we didn't have to pay the electric company or the gas company or the water company?

Well these of course are Utility Companies regulated by the government and are not actually government agencies at all as you know, they appear to be quasi-government agencies like the USPS or IRS, but the Water, Power, Gas companies are not. If they had to compete, they would become more efficient and perhaps make more money and perhaps they might lay off some folks, but efficiency and competition would lower prices.