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Furthermore, and perhaps more important, is to have a proactive 30x30 total Transformation Review mindset of knowing where some of these magnetic fields are. It is very wise to know the people, places, situations and activities that you know are a unique challenge for you to stay "up" when you are confronted with such. Create a proactive plan for yourself that will give you the options and support to make it through, and around, the magnetic pulls in Life.Remember: It is up to you to take care of the "paperclip" that you are (Okay, a golden paperclip that is diamond studded!!). In other words, you are solely responsible for yourself and the better equipped you are in attitude, skills, knowledge and experience, the more likely you will be of staying "up" much more than being dragged "down". Go ahead; defeat the laws of gravity...who knows, maybe you'll make it all the way to the top!!

When I first started in the sport of cycling about 9 years ago, I was very nervous about hitting things I didn't want to - trees, holes, rocks, drainage grates, or pillars depending on whether I was riding on the road or on a trail. The thing I noticed was that if I focused on the obstacle by looking down at it, more often than not I hit it. Of course, this convinced me even more that I needed to be ultra safe or I'd be doomed (much like the mother in A Christmas Story who is convinced Ralphie will "shoot his eye out" if he gets the BB Gun), I continued to concentrate even harder on the obstacle. When you go into the second grade the teacher builds on the skillsets developed during the previous year's experience. The lessons learned serve as the foundation for new skills. Once you have learned the first grade lessons move forward. There will certainly be some challenges but, you know what, there will be, just as previously experienced some successes!