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User:30x30 Total Transformation

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You don't need to vocalize this to30x30 Total Transformation Review anyone (remember... saying that you're "going" to do something is putting your focus on the external again) - keep it to yourself and continue to provide the best service you possibly can. Today we are hearing a lot about "resistance" and not just in politics. Is this a serious issue when it comes to success, business and or career growth, better and improving relationships, health, and just about every life circumstances or does it matter either way your approach or attitude regarding this subject? The answer is - yes - whether you are a 'resistor or an acceptor' matters in many ways when it comes to areas of life that you might not have considered.

Just because you disagree with someone does not make you a resistor and just because you go along with something does not make you an acceptor. What I am referring to here is a broader interpretation of these two life approaches and how either mindset influences, not just the bigger life issues but the subtle ones as well.

If you have a few minutes and you are not sure in the broader sense which is your tendency I hope to make it clearer or easier for you to determine which is your primary approach and what is the impact it might be having on your life.Resistance does not just deal with how you treat others and or their opinions or values.This issue impacts your health, longevity, happiness in general, your security and your life approaches.