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The SUIText class provides tools to work with the SUIText component, which is a component responsible for displaying text
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{{ScriptFunction|bool|AlignByGeometry|{get;set;}|Use the range of glyph geometry to perform horizontal alignment. |5=
thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
--get a reference to our object
thisObjectText = thisObject.UIText
--get a reference to the SUIText component in our object
--This will return "true" or "false"  to your debugger console
--telling you if the Align By Geometry feature is on or not (false by default)
thisObjectText.AlignByGeometry = true
--This enables the Align By Geometry feature
thisObjectText.AlignByGeometry = false
--This disables the Align By Geometry feature
{{ScriptFunction|SColor|Color|{get;set;}|Base color of the Graphic.|5=
--This script dynamically changes the text's color of a GameObject with UIText component.
--For example in a text sign over your shop that you want to make more visually stand out
--or perhaps text decoration during a celebration or a text element in your User Interface or HUD.
thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
--get a reference to our object
thisObjectText = thisObject.UIText
--get a reference to the SUIText component in our object
colors = {Color.Red, Color.Black, Color.White, Color.Blue, Color.Green, Color.Yellow}
--here we are holding 6 predefined colors in a Lua Table which we will go through
function ColorChanger()
    while true do
    --infinite loop
        for i=1,#colors do
        --For Loop to cycle through all the table items
        thisObjectText.color = colors[i]
        --this will set the color based on which item in the table we are now at
        --this will pause for a tenth of a second before we change to the next color
thisObjectText.color = Color.Red
--this is how to set text color using one of the predefined colors in the SColor class.
thisObjectText.color = Color.New(0,0,0,1)
--this sets our text color to Black (RGB 000) but also Alpha to 1 (meaning fully opaque, not transparent)
colorOfThisObject = thisObjectText.color
thisObjectText.color = colorOfThisObject
--The color property also allows you to "get" it, not only "set" it, meaning you can get
--your text's current color and save it. In this case, the color of your text wouldn't change.
--The last 4 lines of code above are not important to this color changing script, it's just extra information for you.
--this coroutine will now call our ColorChanger() function which is infinitely changing our text colors between a select range. </pre>
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Enabled|{get;set;}| Whether the UIText component is Enabled or not will decide if it is visually updating or not.|5=
thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
--get a reference to our object
thisObjectText = thisObject.UIText
--get a reference to the UIText component in our object
--This will return "true" or "false" to your debugger console
thisObjectText.Enabled = false
--This is how we disable the UIText component
thisObjectText.Enabled = true
--This is how we enable the UIText component
{{ScriptFunction|float|FlexibleHeight|{get;}| The extra relative height this UIText  should be allocated if there is additional available space. (Used by the Layout system.) |5=
<pre> thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
--get a reference to our object
thisObjectText = thisObject.UIText
--get a reference to the UIText component in our object
--Prints the FlexibleHeight value of this UIText component to the console</pre>
{{ScriptFunction|float|FlexibleWidth|{get;}|The extra relative width this UIText should be allocated if there is additional available space. (Used by the Layout system) |5=
<pre>thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
--get a reference to our object
thisObjectText = thisObject.UIText
--get a reference to the UIText component in our object
--Prints the FlexibleWidth value of this UIText component to the console </pre>
{{ScriptFunction|int|FontSize|{get;set;}|The size that the Font should render at.|5=
thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
--get a reference to our object
thisObjectText = thisObject.UIText
--get a reference to the UIText component in our object
--Prints the Font Size value of this UIText component to the console
thisObjectText.FontSize = 54
--Sets the Font Size of this UIText component to 54
{{ScriptFunction|int|LayoutPriority|{get;}|The layout priority of this UIText component.(Used by the Layout system.)|5=
<pre>thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
--get a reference to our object
thisObjectText = thisObject.UIText
--get a reference to the UIText component in our object
--Prints the LayoutPriority value of this UIText component to the console</pre>
{{ScriptFunction|float|LineSpacing|{get;set;}|Line spacing, specified as a factor of font line height. A value of 1 will produce normal line spacing.|5=
{{ScriptFunction|float|MinHeight|{get;}|The minimum height this UIText may be allocated.(Used by the Layout system).|5=
<pre>thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
--get a reference to our object
thisObjectText = thisObject.UIText
--get a reference to the UIText component in our object
--Prints the MinHeight value of this UIText component to the console</pre>
{{ScriptFunction|float|MinWidth|{get;}|The minimum width this UIText may be allocated. (Used by the Layout system). |5=
<pre>thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
--get a reference to our object
thisObjectText = thisObject.UIText
--get a reference to the UIText component in our object
--Prints the MinWidth value of this UIText component to the console
{{ScriptFunction|float|PixelsPerUnit|{get;}|Provides information about how fonts are scale to the screen.
For dynamic fonts, the value is equivalent to the scale factor of the canvas. For non-dynamic fonts, the value is calculated from the requested text size and the size from the font.|5=
thisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
--get a reference to our object
thisObjectText = thisObject.UIText
--get a reference to the UIText component in our object
--Prints the PixelsPerUnit value of this UIText component to the console</pre>
{{ScriptFunction|float|PreferredHeight|{get;}|The preferred height this UIText should be allocated if there is sufficient space.|5=
{{ScriptFunction|float|PreferredWidth|{get;}|The preferred width this UIText should be allocated if there is sufficient space.  (Used by the Layout system)|5=
{{ScriptFunction|bool|ResizeTextForBestFit|{get;set;}|Should the text be allowed to auto resized. |5=
{{ScriptFunction|int|ResizeTextMaxSize|{get;set;}|The maximum size the text is allowed to be. 1 = infinitly large.|5=
{{ScriptFunction|int|ResizeTextMinSize|{get;set;}|The minimum size the text is allowed to be.
{{ScriptFunction|bool|SupportRichText|{get;set;}| Whether this Text will support rich text. |5=
{{ScriptFunction|string|Text|{get;set;}|The string value this Text displays.|5=
{{Scripting Navbox}}

Latest revision as of 06:46, 19 September 2022

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