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{{ScriptFunction|void|Clear|();|Removes all points from the TrailRenderer. Useful for restarting a trail from a new position.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.Clear()</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SVector|GetPosition|(int index);|Get the position of a vertex in the trail.|5=<pre>vectorPos = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.GetPosition(0)</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Alignment|{ get;set; }|Select whether the trail will face the camera, or the orientation of the Transform Component.
0 = View
1 = Transform Z|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.Alignment = 1</pre>|6=<pre>--Clicking the object toggles between TrailRenderer's View or Transform Z alignment
--[Add "trailrenderer" reference to the Scripting Runtime component]
thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
trailrenderer = Space.Host.GetReference("trailrenderer").TrailRenderer
OnClick = function()
  if trailrenderer.Alignment == 0 then
    trailrenderer.Alignment = 1
    trailrenderer.Alignment = 0
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Autodestruct|{ get;set; }|Does the GameObject of this Trail Renderer auto destruct?|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.Autodestruct = true
</pre>|6=<pre>--Make a UIToggle disable/enable the Autodestruct feature of a Trail Renderer
--[Add "toggle" and "trailrenderer" references to the Scripting Runtime component]
thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
toggle = Space.Host.GetReference("toggle").UIToggle
trailrenderer = Space.Host.GetReference("trailrenderer").TrailRenderer
toggle.IsOn = trailrenderer.Autodestruct  --make toggle start at correct state
OVC = function()
  if toggle.IsOn then
    trailrenderer.Autodestruct  = true
    trailrenderer.Autodestruct  = false
{{ScriptFunction|bool|CastShadows|{ get;set; }|Does the trail cast a shadow when a shadow-casting Light shines on it?|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.CastShadows = true
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Enabled|{ get;set }|Whether this TrailRenderer component is Enabled or not|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.Enabled = true</pre>|6=<pre>--Clicking the object Enables/Disables the Trail Renderer component on this object 
--[Add "trailrenderer" reference to the Scripting Runtime component]
thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
trailrenderer = Space.Host.GetReference("trailrenderer").TrailRenderer
OnClick = function()
trailrenderer.Enabled =  not trailrenderer.Enabled
{{ScriptFunction|Scolor|EndColor|{ get;set; }|Set the color at the end of the trail.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.EndColor = Color.Red</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|EndWidth|{ get;set; }|The width of the trail at the end of the trail.
A width of 1 corresponds to 1 unit in the game world.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.EndWidth = 0.1</pre>|6=<pre>--Make a slider change the Trail Renderer's End Width
--[Add "slider" and "trailrenderer" references to the Scripting Runtime component]
thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
slider = Space.Host.GetReference("slider").UISlider
trailrenderer = Space.Host.GetReference("trailrenderer").TrailRenderer
OVC = function()
trailrenderer.EndWidth = slider.Value * 10 --0 to 10
{{ScriptFunction|bool|IsVisible|{ get; }|Is this renderer visible in any camera?|5=<pre>Space.Log(Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.IsVisible)</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|MinVertexDistance|{ get;set; }|Set the minimum distance the trail can travel before a new vertex is added to it.
Smaller values with give smoother trails, consisting of more vertices, but costing more performance.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.MinVertexDistance = 1</pre>|6=<pre>--Make a slider change the Trail Renderer's Number of Mininum Vertex Distance
--[Add "slider" and "trailrenderer" references to the Scripting Runtime component]
thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
slider = Space.Host.GetReference("slider").UISlider
trailrenderer = Space.Host.GetReference("trailrenderer").TrailRenderer
OVC = function()
trailrenderer.MinVertexDistance = slider.Value * 10 --0 to 10
{{ScriptFunction|bool|MotionVectors|{ get;set; }|Set whether to use motion vectors to track this Renderer’s per-pixel, screen-space motion from one frame to the next. You can use this information to apply post-processing effects such as motion blur.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.MotionVectors = true</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|NumCapVertices|{ get;set; }|Set this to a value greater than 0, to get rounded corners on each end of the trail.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.NumCapVertices = 3</pre>|6=<pre>--Make a slider change the Trail Renderer's Number of End Cap Vertices
--[Add "slider" and "trailrenderer" references to the Scripting Runtime component]
thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
slider = Space.Host.GetReference("slider").UISlider
trailrenderer = Space.Host.GetReference("trailrenderer").TrailRenderer
OVC = function()
trailrenderer.NumCapVertices = slider.Value * 90 --0 to 90
{{ScriptFunction|int|NumCornerVertices|{ get;set; }|Set this to a value greater than 0, to get rounded corners between each segment of the trail.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.NumCornerVertices = 2</pre>|6=<pre>--Make a slider change the Trail Renderer's Number of Corner Vertices
--[Add "slider" and "trailrenderer" references to the Scripting Runtime component]
thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
slider = Space.Host.GetReference("slider").UISlider
trailrenderer = Space.Host.GetReference("trailrenderer").TrailRenderer
OVC = function()
trailrenderer.NumCornerVertices = slider.Value * 90 --0 to 90
{{ScriptFunction|int|PositionCount|{ get; }|Get the number of line segments in the trail.|5=<pre>numLineSegments = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.PositionCount</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|ReceiveShadows|{ get;set; }|Does this object receive shadows?|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.ReceiveShadows = true</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SColor|StartColor|{ get;set; }|Set the color at the start of the trail.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.StartColor = Color.Black</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|StartWidth|{ get;set; }|The width of the trail at the spawning point.
A width of 1 corresponds to 1 unit in the game world.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.StartWidth = 1.1</pre>|6=<pre>--Make a slider change the Trail Renderer's Start Width
--[Add "slider" and "trailrenderer" references to the Scripting Runtime component]
thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
slider = Space.Host.GetReference("slider").UISlider
trailrenderer = Space.Host.GetReference("trailrenderer").TrailRenderer
OVC = function()
trailrenderer.StartWidth = slider.Value * 10 --0 to 10
{{ScriptFunction|int|TextureMode|{ get;set; }|Choose whether the U coordinate of the trail texture is tiled or stretched.
0 Stretch, 1 Tile, 2 Distribute Per Segment, 3 Repeat Per Segment|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.TextureMode = 2</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|Time|{ get;set; }|How long does the trail take to fade out. (seconds)|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.Time = 10</pre>|6=<pre>--Make a slider change the Trail Renderer's Time
--[Add "slider" and "trailrenderer" references to the Scripting Runtime component]
thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
slider = Space.Host.GetReference("slider").UISlider
trailrenderer = Space.Host.GetReference("trailrenderer").TrailRenderer
OVC = function()
trailrenderer.Time = slider.Value * 10 --0 to 10
{{ScriptFunction|bool|UseLightProbes|{ get;set; }|Enable Light Probes on the trail.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.UseLightProbes = true</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|WidthMultiplier|{ get;set; }|Set an overall multiplier that is applied to the TrailRenderer.widthCurve to get the final width of the trail.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer.WidthMultiplier = 2</pre>|6=<pre>--Make a slider change the Trail Renderer's Width Multiplier
--[Add "slider" and "trailrenderer" references to the Scripting Runtime component]
thisGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject
slider = Space.Host.GetReference("slider").UISlider
trailrenderer = Space.Host.GetReference("trailrenderer").TrailRenderer
OVC = function()
trailrenderer.WidthMultiplier = slider.Value * 10 --0 to 10
{{Scripting Navbox}}

Latest revision as of 06:28, 19 September 2022

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