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(Added and defined SParticleSystem's all public member functions)
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{{ScriptFunction|void|Clear|();|Remove all particles in the Particle System.
This method also removes the particles from any linked sub-emitters. Use the withChildren parameter to remove particles from child Particle Systems that are not sub-emitters of the system.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Clear|(bool withChildren);|Remove all particles in the Particle System.
This method also removes the particles from any linked sub-emitters. Use the withChildren parameter to remove particles from child Particle Systems that are not sub-emitters of the system.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Emit|(int count);|Emit 'count' particles immediately.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|IsAlive|(bool withChildren);|Returns True if the Particle System contains live particles or is still creating new particles. False if the Particle System has stopped emitting particles and all particles are dead.
Parameter withChildren: checks all child Particle Systems as well.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Pause|();|Pauses the system so no new particles are emitted and the existing particles are not updated.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Pause|(bool withChildren);|Pauses the system so no new particles are emitted and the existing particles are not updated.
Parameter: withChildren: Pauses all child Particle Systems as well.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Play|();|Sets the Particle Systems into play mode and enables emitting (if it has been disabled).
If the Particle System has been paused, then this resumes playing from the previous time.
If the Particle System has stopped, then the system starts from time 0, and, if it is relevant, the startDelay is applied.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Play|(withChildren);|Sets the Particle Systems into play mode and enables emitting (if it has been disabled).
If the Particle System has been paused, then this resumes playing from the previous time.
If the Particle System has stopped, then the system starts from time 0, and, if it is relevant, the startDelay is applied.
Parameter withChildren: Plays all child Particle Systems as well.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Simulate|(float time);|Fast-forwards the Particle System by simulating particles over 'time' seconds, then pauses it.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Stop|();|Stops playing the Particle System.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Stop|(bool withChildren);|Stops playing the Particle System.
Parameter withChildren: Plays all child Particle Systems as well.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|MasterID|{ get; }|The master ID for this item.|5=<pre></pre>}}

Latest revision as of 06:13, 19 September 2022

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