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The SMaterial class provides a wrapper around Materials used for rendering
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{{ScriptFunction|void|SetFloat|(string name, float value);|Sets a shader property to value|5=
''-- Let's set the Metallic property to 0.75:''<br>
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
obj.Renderer.Material.SetFloat("_Metallic", 0.75);}}
{{ScriptFunction|float|GetFloat|(string name);|Gets the current value of a shader property.|5=
''-- Let's find out the current Glosiness level''<br>
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
''-- prints "0.5" (by default) to the console.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|SetColor|(string name, SColor color);|Sets a shader colour to the required one.|5=
''-- Let's change the Color to red:''<br>
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
local newColor = Color.New(1, 0, 0, 1);<br>
obj.Renderer.Material.SetColor("_Color", newColor);}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|SetColor|(string name, float r, float g, float b, float a);|Sets a shader colour to value (HDR variant, 0..1 values)|5=
''-- Let's change the Color to purple:''<br>
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
obj.Renderer.Material.SetColor("_Color", 0.5,0,0.5,1);}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|SetColor32|(string name, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a);|Sets a shader colour to value (32-bit, 0..255 values)|5=
''-- Let's change the Color to light blue:''<br>
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
obj.Renderer.Material.SetColor32("_Color", 53,172,232,255);}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|SetInt|(string name, int value);|Sets a shader property to value. This can be a convenient way to work with Boolean values.|5=
''-- For example, let's disable Specular Highlights (enabled by default in the Standard shader):''<br>
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
obj.Renderer.Material.SetInt("_SpecularHighlights", 0);}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|GetInt|(string name);|Gets the current value of a shader property. This can be a convenient way to work with Boolean values.|5=
''-- Let's find out if the Reflections property is enabled:''<br>
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
''-- prints "1" (by default) to the console, which means that the Reflections property is indeed enabled.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|SetTexture|(string name, SResource texture);|Sets a object's specified texture map (specified in parameter 1) to the texture provided as a resource in parameter #2. The example script must be in a object with a '_MainTex' map, and that object should be set as a resource on the scripting runtime. Additionally, that object should be called 'dispobj'.<br><br>note also that this function can be used to set any of the texture maps by varying the value of the first parameter accordingly.|5 = function hithere()<br>
  image = "mrlee.jpg"<br>
  server = ""<br>
  obj = Space.Host.GetReference("dispobj")<br>
  resrc = Space.WebServices.GetImage(server .. image)<br>
  obj.Renderer.Material.SetTexture("_MainTex", resrc)<br>
{{ScriptFunction|void|SetTextureOffset|(string name, float x, float y);|Sets a texture offset to a value. '''IF USING FOR SCROLLING ANIMATION PLEASE US A ANIMATION NOT A SCRIPT'''}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|SetTextureScale|(string name, float x, float y);|Sets a texture scale to a value. '''IF USING FOR SCROLLING ANIMATION PLEASE US A ANIMATION NOT A SCRIPT'''}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|SetVector|(string name, SVector value);|Sets a shader property to value}}
{{ScriptFunction|SMaterial|Instantiate|();|Return a new SMaterial from old.|5=
local cube=Space.Host.ExecutingObject<br>
local cube2=cube.Children[1]<br>
local mat1=cube.Renderer.Material<br>
local newMat=mat1.Instantiate()
''--at this moment, cube2 will turn to red but cube will keep original color.''
{{ScriptFunction|string|Name|(get; set;)|Return a new SMaterial from old.|5=
local cube=Space.Host.ExecutingObject<br>
local mat=cube.Renderer.Material<br>
{{ScriptFunction|string|Shader|(get;)|Return the shader name of current SMaterial.|5=
local cube=Space.Host.ExecutingObject<br>
local mat=cube.Renderer.Material<br>
{{Scripting Navbox}}

Latest revision as of 08:02, 19 September 2022

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