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Post Processing

Revision as of 15:05, 17 August 2017 by Hannahjt (Talk | contribs)

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Post Processing allows different effects and lighting to be added to your scene or region. There a number of different settings, which we will explain here, and also show you how to create a Post Processing Profile in your scene in Unity, including how to enable real time editing of the settings. Space Post Processing profiles also adds volumetric lighting to these settings.

When you have your scene open in Unity with your region layout, you can add a Post Processing Profile. This is the profile which includes all of the different effects and the effect settings.

To add this profile, right click in your project window and go to Create>Space Post-Processing Profile. Click on the profile in the project window, and under the inspector window, you will see this:


These are all the different effects included in the post processing profile. You can toggle the settings on and off by clicking on the small circle next to the effect name.

For more information on what all of these effects are, you can go to the Unity Post Processing Stack page and see each effect and their settings individually.

Real time editing of post fx

To see real time edits of post fx settings in your region, first add a player character in to your scene. You can add a player character by typing in the project window search bar, and select the 'player character.'

Once the player character is in your scene, you can move it around until it is in the right place for you. Make sure you have deleted the main camera from your scene as well, as you will use the player characters' camera for the real time edit preview, and not the main camera.

Click on the drop-down arrow next to the player character in the Inspector window. Click on Main Camera in the list.


Under the Inspector window, there will be a lot of different scripts, but scroll down on the Inspector window until you get to a script called Post Processing Behavior. Drag the Post Processing Profile you just made from your Project window into this script.

Once this is done, click on 'Play' at the top of Unity. Once it has started to play the scene, drag the Post Processing Profile into the Post Processing Behavior script again.

Switch to the Game window, then click on your Post Processing Profile. Here you can toggle the post fx on and off, and play around with the settings, and in the Game window, you will see the changes happening in your scene!

Uploading a scene with post fx

To make sure that the post fx stay in your scene/region during upload, you need to add an empty game object into your scene. To add the empty game object, right click in the hierarchy and choose Create Empty. With the empty game object selected in the hierarchy, go to the Inspector window, and click on 'Add Component' and search for PostZone script.


Drag the Post Processing Profile into the Post Profile box, as shown highlighted in the image above. Once this is done, you can upload the region as normal.