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Modular Vendors

Revision as of 08:54, 22 August 2017 by Hannahjt (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "We have added some new vendors to our features, and these vendors are called modular vendors. Modular vendors are vendors which can be placed in your region, and act like a cl...")

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We have added some new vendors to our features, and these vendors are called modular vendors. Modular vendors are vendors which can be placed in your region, and act like a clickable shop. Other users can click on the object the modular vendor script is attached to, and browse through the items you have on sale. You can have an individual modular vendor, which will only display and sell one item, or you can use a catalogue modular vendor, which will allow you to display and sell items from a specific collection, range or line.

Adding the modular vendor to your region

To add the modular vendor to your region, you need to add it into the region scene where you want the vendor to be.

For the vendor script to work, you need to attach it to an object in the scene. Make a new 3D object, such as a cube, by right clicking in the hierarchy, and choose 3D Object>Cube. Place the cube where you want it to be in your region.

Setting up for the modular vendor

Right click in your hierarchy, go to UI>Canvas. This canvas will be used in conjunction with a panel for displaying the information about your item/items.

Drag the canvas in the hierarchy into your cube. Under the Inspector window, make sure the Canvas script Render Mode is set to World Space.

In the hierarchy, right click, go to UI>Panel. The panel should automatically be under the cube in the hierarchy. Next, you need to resize the canvas so it fits the cube. To resize it, you can use the Scale tool in the top toolbar. Scale it down until it looks something like this:
