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The audio reactive components listen to the audio in your region (including music streams and audio clips), and can alter and animate objects, materials and lighting within the region in time with the audio stream.

To set up your scene in Unity for the audio reactive components, you need to first either drag an audio file from your PC into the project window, and then into the hierarchy, or for music streams, you need to (info).

Audio Reactive Transform

This component can be attached to the 3D object you want to react to the music and then used to transform the 3D object in time to the audio.

You can transform the object within the component, so you can set the object to scale, rotate or move in certain directions.

To add this component to your object, select the object in your hierarchy and under the Inspector window on the right, click on 'Add component'. Search for audio reactive and choose 'Audio Reactive Transform'.


Band Min and Band Max

There are different types of bands for the different frequencies in audio. For example, if you want the object to move to only the bass of the audio, you will need to set the band min slider to 0, and the band max to 1. You can play around with the different values until it matches the audio band you want the object to move to.

BPM Window

The BPM Window Limit defines how many seconds to analyse for determining the BPM. So, for example, if you set this to 3, it will listen to the last 3 seconds, if you set it to 10, it will listen to the last 10 seconds.

Limit Increase/Decrease

The limit increase/decrease determines how quickly the values can change. If you have fast paced music and want the object you have to react faster to the audio, you can change the limit increase/decrease to 10,000+ to make the object move very quickly in time to the audio.

Min Value/Max Value

These determine how quick the reactions are, so you might want to set these values to your liking.


This sets the mode to BPM or Band.


This will change the objects position when checked. You can set how far the object will move and in which direction on the Z,Y and X axis in time to the audio.


This will change the direction in which the object is rotated when checked. Again, this will set which way the object will rotate on the Z,Y and X axis in time to the audio.


This will change the size/scale of the object when checked. The object can be scaled in any direction on the Z,Y and x axis separately, or you can set the same value in all of the axis's to make the object scale uniformly.

Audio Reactive Lighting

Audio reactive lighting will enable lighting to react to the audio you choose. Audio reactive lighting will work with lights which don't need to be baked, such as spot lights, directional lights and point lights.

To add the audio reactive lighting to your light, click on the light you want to use in your hierarchy, and under the Inspector window, click on 'Add Component'. Search for audio reactive and choose 'Audio Reactive Light'.


Band Min and Band Max

There are different types of bands for the different frequencies in audio. For example, if you want the object to move to only the bass of the audio, you will need to set the band min slider to 0, and the band max to 1. You can play around with the different values until it matches the audio band you want the object to move to.

BPM Window

The BPM Window Limit defines how many seconds to analyse for determining the BPM. So, for example, if you set this to 3, it will listen to the last 3 seconds, if you set it to 10, it will listen to the last 10 seconds.

Limit Increase/Decrease

The limit increase/decrease determines how quickly the values can change. If you have fast paced music and want the object you have to react faster to the audio, you can change the limit increase/decrease to 10,000+ to make the object move very quickly in time to the audio.

Min Value/Max Value

These determine how quick the reactions are, so you might want to set these values to your liking. When working with lighting, you might want to lower these values so the lighting colors blend quickly together.

For example, setting the min value to 0, and the max value to 0.1, will mean that lights react quickly to the audio and they also blend and change colors faster.


This sets the mode to BPM or Band.


When range is checked, this will change the distance range of the light. For example, set the min range to 1 and max to 5 for a small circle of light.

Animate Color

When this is checked, this will enable the light to blend the min color and max color you have chosen.


This will change the intensity of the light. The lower the values, the dimmer the light will be, and the higher the values are, the brighter the light will be.

Audio Reactive Animation

Audio Reactive Material